8 Remedies To Treat Macular Degeneration At Home

By: Kratika Thu, 05 Jan 2023 6:31:09

8 Remedies To Treat Macular Degeneration at Home

Macular degeneration is a type of eye disease that slowly makes the patient lose their vision. The disease ruins the eyes by damaging the retina, which is inside the eyes. This makes it difficult for people to focus on images, which could make it impossible to read or even see colors, as time goes on. While there is currently no known cure for macular degeneration, home remedies may be able to help slow the progression of the disease or even prevent it entirely.

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# Wear Sunglasses

Since spending too much time staring at the sun can damage the eyes, it is best to wear sunglasses to prevent and slow the symptoms of macular degeneration. This home remedy is simple enough, just wear sunglasses when you go out on a sunny day!

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# Wear Goggles

Protecting your eyes is of utmost importance; this is true whether or not you already have macular degeneration. If you work with heavy machinery, chemicals, or small objects that could make their way into your eyes, make sure to wear goggles.

It is also a good idea to wear goggles if you plan on swimming underwater. This can prevent small particles from entering your eyes. This is a good thing to practice whether you are going to the beach or the pool.

macular degeneration,home remedies for macular degeneration,Health tips,fitness tips

# Quit Smoking

People who smoke have almost double the chances of getting macular degeneration compared to someone who does not smoke. Smoking is generally terrible for your body, so it is best to quit smoking and avoid people who smoke if you want to keep your eyesight in the best condition possible.

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# Green Tea

Drinking green tea helps to protect your body from dangerous free radicals, which can cause numerous problems in your body–from a simple cold to cancer. To use this home remedy to protect your eyesight, simply drink one to four cups of green tea every day.

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# Grapeseed Oil

Grape seeds are beneficial in improving and maintaining eye health. This is because of the many antioxidants they have. Like green tea, they also work to fight off free radicals. To use this home remedy, you can use it for cooking, instead of using vegetable oil or butter. This shouldn’t change the taste of your food much, but it will help to improve your eyes.

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# Less Screen Time

Staring at a screen all day can damage your eyes. It can cause everything from general eye strain to eye redness and itchiness, and it may be a contributing factor to macular degeneration. It is best to take a break from the computer or your phone after using it for an hour. Take up to a ten-minute break to rest your eyes after every hour.

Also, it is best to avoid using a screen two hours prior to going to bed. Not only will this be healthy for your eyes, but it will also help to treat insomnia and other conditions which can cause restlessness.

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# Moringa Leaf

Moringa leaves are great for treating any type of poor eyesight, as they contain high amounts of vitamin E and C. Both of these vitamins work to improve eyesight. This leaf often comes in tea form or in capsules. When using either of these, make sure to use them as directed on the packaging.

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# Alcohol in Moderation

While a little bit of alcohol isn’t likely to hurt your eyes, drinking a lot of it can. If possible, quit drinking alcohol completely to improve your eyesight. However, if you do not want to quit drinking alcohol, then simply drink less of it to slow the progression of your macular degeneration.

One alcohol you can have to improve your eyesight is red wine. As mentioned above, make sure you drink in moderation. If you decide that drinking red wine is right for you, drink no more than ten ounces of wine a day. This can help to lower bad cholesterol levels, which work to raise blood pressure.

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