6 Things That Spain Is Most Famous For

By: Kratika Tue, 29 Mar 2022 10:38:44

6 Things That Spain is Most Famous For

Spain, as a country is so easy and yet so difficult to describe. The not-so-little, oh-so-pretty and eye-stabbing-beautiful country of Spain is undoubtedly one of the best countries of the world thanks to it’s all round aspect of great food, people, art, culture and architecture. Spain has something beautiful and significant to offer to each and every person who goes to Spain. Like adventure? You have loads! Love food? Every Spanish region boasts of a cuisine different from the other! Enjoy relaxing? Spaniards won’t go one day without their siestas! You’re a party-freak? Head to Ibiza for the world’s best and biggest parties! In short, a little something for every one. There can’t be a definitive list that sums of Spain because that would be too big but here is a little list of top 6 things that Spain is the most for in the world-

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# Paella

Spanish cuisine is one of the most diverse cuisines in the world thanks to the various diverse regions of Spain. Every region has something unique to offer to the eaters and Paella is just one of the many great things. Coming from the region of Valencia, this rice-based dish is often considered to be the national dish of Spain due to it’s immense popularity. Paella is basically a rice-based dish which has beans,saffron, olives, spices, herbs and vegetables or meat or seafood. The seafood paella is the most famous one among the others. The original paella is found in Valencia but restaurants all around Spain offer paella to the customers.

spain,famous things of spain

# Ibiza

All great things come in small packages, they say and it is absolutely true in the case of Ibiza. A tiny island off the east coast of Spain, Ibiza is the party hub of not only Europe, but the entire world. Famous for it’s never-ending and all-night-long parties, Ibiza is the most happening place for youngsters to unwind and lose themselves in music. Shacks on beach which serve food and drinks are where all the action is. Live music is played in every shack and the place is popular for giving birth to some of the best EDM musicians in the world and Ibiza remains the party place that every teenager wants to be at.

spain,famous things of spain

# La Tomatina

Spain is a land of many festivals but La Tomatina is one of the most popular and fun festivals of Spain. La Tomatina is a festival that is celebrated every year in Bunyol, Valencia in Spain. It is an hour-long tomato food-fight on the streets of Bunyol. It takes place on the very last Wednesday of August every year. The tomatoes used in the festival are specially grown only for this purpose and they are inferior quality tomatoes that are not fit for consumption. There are rules that the participants have to follow while playing but overall, it is something very different and a unique experience.

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# Flamenco

Art is an inherent part of Spain in all it’s forms but especially in dance. The world-famous Spanish dance of Flamenco is nothing but a wonder to see live. Having roots in Andalusia, Flamenco is a very difficult dance form. It consists of 4 main componants – cante(song), baile(dance), palmas(handclaps) and toque(the guitar playing). One has to skillfully combine all these components to make one elegant dance performance of Flamenco and it is no easy task. The dancing in the heels, especially is very difficult and we must applaud the entire team that makes a flamenco performance successful.

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# Tapas

The Spanish bar-hopping culture is something no Spaniard can live without. Whether you live in a city or a village, evening time is always reserved for catching up with friends over drinks. To accompany the drinks, they have tapas. Tapas are finger foods or appetizers that are served in every Spanish bar. The various tapas that are famously served are patatas bravas, calamares, chorizos, cheese and olive etc. They can be served hot or cold and certain tapas are especially served with a certain drink. This culture of tapas is exclusive to Spain and some Latin American countries.

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# Corrida De Toros

Last but not the least is a sport Spain is very famous, or for some, infamous for – Bullfighting. Bullfighting has been in the Spain culture since time immemorial. In the bullfight, 3 matadors fight a bull to death. It has 3 stages – tercio de vara(lances), tercio de banderillas and tercio de muerte(death stage). If the matador manages to kill the bull in a skillful manner, then he is allowed to take the ear of the bull home as a trophy for this victory. People keep debating about bullfighting and how legal or righteous it is. But most of Spain continues to practice it as a weekly sport and one must just see it as it is

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