5 SHOCKING Facts About Losing Your Virginity

By: Sandeep Wed, 03 Jan 2018 10:51:10

5 SHOCKING Facts About Losing Your Virginity

Having sex for the first time isn't all that we expected it to be. It is the biggest emotional roller-coaster ride we ever went on. you are excited, you are nervous, and there are so many thoughts going on in your mind that you start second-guessing your decision to do it in the first place. You can plan and plan until you can't plan no more, but things never run as smoothly as we hoped for. Pre-marital sex is no longer a taboo. But before you decide to get in bed with someone, there are few things about virginity that your friends and internet has never told you about.

* You probably won't bleed even after penetration

This is actually the biggest concern of the majority. But it's high time you know, that bleeding during sex has nothing to do with the fact whether you are a virgin or not. The hymen, or "virgin knot" is a very very delicate tissue, and can get broken in a maximum number of cases due to physical activity or masturbation as well. So linking blood during sex to a girl's virginity is BS.

* Your virginity is not a gift you are going to offer your husband/boyfriend

Don't ever gift your virginity to your boyfriend/husband as a token of love. Don't be pressurized by the expectations from the other side. You never owe sex to anyone. Do it only when you are ready and when you really feel like doing it. You have to wait for your inner self to say yes to sex.

facts about losing your virginity,losing virginity,facts about sex,facts about intimacy

* It would hurt a little

Don't freak out. To reduce the pain, foreplay is important. It increases the lubrication in the vagina and decreases the friction. Getting straight to the act can be painful as your body might not be ready for sex. If you are feeling extreme discomfort during sex, you can ask him to slow down.

* Guys go soft because they are more nervous than you are

Whether they admit to this or not, guys are more nervous than girls are. They are so nervous that most of the first timers go soft and get way too embarrassed to talk about it. Chill, it's not your fault girl.

* Screaming and shouting don't mean you are having too much fun

Okay, so those of you are really into porn think that screaming and moaning loudly means great sex. You do have the common sense to distinguish between fake and real pleasure sounds right? So it isn't necessary that you've got to moan and scream in order to have good sex. But encouraging and giving your partner appropriate response is always appreciated.

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