10 Home Remedies To Treat Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a common problem and the situation often becomes worse during winters. So here we have come up with a list of simple yet effective home remedies for cracked heels. Many of us suffer from dry and rough feet throughout the year and also due to negligence, it leads to bleeding and also gets very painful during winter, when the weather becomes dry.

Sometimes cracked heels are accompanied by itching, redness, inflammation and peeling of skin. I am not sure how many of you still remember the tagline of a very famous advertisement which was ‘Chehere se Maharani, Pairon se naukrani’. This was an advertisement of Krack cream, a very popular foot cream. If you do not want to feel the same way, check our 10 simple home remedies for cracked heels.

# Treat Cracked Heels using Rice Flour

Why to use rice flour to cure cracked heels

Rice flour is one of best ingredient to cure crack heels. Regular exfoliation is important to remove the dead skin cells from our foot and thus preventing cracks and dryness. In fact, Rice flour is one of the best natural ingredient that can be used to exfoliate the foot and also repair cracked heels.

Here are couple of cracked heel remedy using rice flour.

- Make a foot scrub by mixing together a handful of rice flour and also few tsp of each honey and apple cider vinegar. You can also add a tbsp olive oil or sweet almond oil if the cracks are extremely bad. Now soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes and use this rice flour scrub to exfoliate them. Repeat this home remedy few times per week.
- Mix one tbsp rice flour with 2 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp of lemon juice to prepare a homemade foot scrub. Soak your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes and then scrub them gently for 10 minutes. This is a great way to get rid of cracked heels and make the foot soft, healthy and beautiful.

# Neem Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

Why to use neem to cure cracked heels

Neem or Indian lilac, is one of the most effective remedy for crack heels. Cracked heel sometimes are accompanied with itchiness and neem works best during those situations. And if cracked heel is caused by any fungal infections then also neem acts as one of the best home remedy for heel, thanks to its anti fungal properties.

How to use neem to repair cracked heels

- Here is a simple remedy using neem for heels. Take a handful of neem leaves and then crush them and add 3 tsp turmeric powder to the neem paste. Apply this paste on the cracked heels and let it sit for 30 minutes. After that, wash off with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.

# Lemon Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

Why to use lemon to get rid of cracked heels

Next on our list of remedy for cracked heels is this one. Lemon juice has acidic properties which has been proved very effective to help in healing dry and rough skin. Check out below to know how to use lemon to cure cracked heels.

How to use lemon to repair cracked heels

- Take some warm water in a container and add lemon juice to it. Soak your feet in this water for 10-15 mins. Scrub your heels with the pumice stone. Wash your feet and then also pat dry with a clean towel.
- Take one egg yolk and then mix it with one tbsp lemon juice and one tsp rice flour to prepare a thick mask. Apply this mask on the feet, leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash off. Do this regularly to get rid of the cracks on your heels.
- Cut one lemon into half. Take one half of the lemon and rub it on your feet and squeeze it at the same time so that the juice is transferred to the heels. Continue doing this for five minutes. Now gently scrub your feet with a soft cloth or brush and wash off with water.
- Mix lemon juice with mashed papaya to make a foot mask cum scrub. Apply this to the cracks on the heels. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

# Rose Water and Glycerin Remedies for Cracked Heels

Why to use rose water and glycerin solution to fix cracked heels

The combination of glycerin and rose water is super effective when it comes to repairing cracked heels. Glycerin softens the skin while rose water works as an anti oxidant, anti inflammatory and also anti septic agent. This is a formidable combination that fights against cracked heels and makes the skin on our heels super soft and smooth.

How to use rose water and glycerin as Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

- Simply mix together equal amounts of glycerin and rose water and also apply it on the heels and feet at night before going to bed. Massage it gently for few minutes and then let it stay overnight. Doing this regularly will help to get rid of the cracked heels soon.
- Take warm water in a big container and add 1 tbsp raw salt, 2 tbsp glycerin, 2 tsp rose water, 8-10 drops lemon juice and mix everything together. Furthermore, soak your feet in this for about 15-20 minutes. Scrub your heels with a pumice stone or foot scrubber and then wash off the foot. Pat dry and apply a mixture of 1 tsp each of glycerin, rose water and lemon juice on the heels. Massage a little bit and wear a pair of socks. Leave it on like this overnight. Wash off in the morning.

# Remedies for Cracked Heels using Banana

Here comes one of the simplest yet very effective home remedy for cracked heels. Banana is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin and make the skin softer and smoother over time.

How to use banana to repair cracked heels

- Mash 1 ripe banana with the back of a fork and turn it into a paste. Apply this banana mask on the clean heels. Massage gently and then wait for 10 – 15 minutes. Then rinse the feet with warm water first and then soak your feet in cold water for 5 – 10 minutes. Repeat this process daily to get rid of cracked heel and dry feet.
- Avocado and banana mask is another great home remedies for cracked heels. Blend together 1 ripe banana and also half of a ripe avocado. Add in flesh of half of a coconut to this and then mix everything to make a foot mask. Massage the cracked heels for 5 – 7 minutes with this foot mask. Wash off with water after 30 minutes. Do it daily to repair cracked heels.

# Aloe Vera Remedies for Cracked Heels

Next on our list of home remedies for cracked heels is aloe vera. We know that aloe vera is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin. It heals the cracks on the heels and the anti inflammatory properties of aloe vera also reduces the swelling and the pain associated with cracked heels. The anti oxidant and the anti septic properties of aloe vera helps in fast healing of the cracks. Check out below how to use aloe vera to cure cracked heels.

How to use aloe vera to repair cracked heels

- Here is one of the simplest home remedy using aloe vera. First soak your feet in luke warm water in few minutes. Then pat dry and also apply generous amount of aloe vera gel on the entire feet specially on the cracks. Wear a pair of socks and go to sleep. Let the aloe vera gel stay on the feet overnight. Regular application will ensure that your feet stay soft and smooth.
- One can also apply a paste of aloe vera gel and honey on to the cracks of the heels on daily basis for a period of one week. Use this remedy at night before going to sleep and don’t forget to wear socks after applying this paste. Wash off next morning.
- If the cracks are very deep and painful, make a mixture of aloe vera gel and equal amounts of tulsi and camphor and apply on to the heels to get relief. This is one of the most effective treatment for cracked heels.

# Oatmeal Remedies for Cracked Heels

Oatmeal is one of the most effective remedy for heel cracking. We know that oatmeal works great to give relief from dry skin due to its moisturizing and also anti inflammatory properties. For the same reason, it works well to give relief from cracked heels. Furthermore, the exfoliating properties of oatmeal remove the dead skin cells, soften the skin and allows it to absorb moisture in a better way.

How to use oatmeal to get relief from cracked heels

- Mix together a tbsp of powdered oatmeal and 4-5 drops of olive oil and make a thick paste. Apply this on to the cracked parts of the heels and then wait for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cold water, pat dry and apply a moisturizer. One can replace olive oil with jojoba oil also.
- Alternatively, one can crush 3 tbsp of oatmeal and mix it with 2 tbsp of rose water to prepare a homemade foot scrub. Use this scrub to remove the hard skin cells from the heels. Repeat this home remedy for cracked heels twice a week for best results. It is one of the most helpful remedy.
- Soak your feet in warm, soapy water for about 10 minutes. Then mix together 2 tsp of oatmeal, 2 tbsp of sea salt, 1 tsp of baking soda and some water to prepare a homemade foot scrub. Apply the scrub to the feet and then massage gently for a couple of minutes. Rinse off and pat dry your feet.

# Paraffin Wax Remedies for Cracked Heels

Paraffin wax is a natural emollient that soften the skin and works as one of the cure for cracked heels. It soothes the flaking and dry heels by trapping moisture in. Furthermore, paraffin wax also helps to reduce the pain caused by bleeding from dry and cracked heels. You can easily get paraffin wax online as well as general stores. Check out one of the easiest home remedy for cracked heels using paraffin wax below.

How to use paraffin wax as Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

Get one block of paraffin wax and put it in a double boiler. Once the wax is melted, add a tbsp of coconut oil or mustard oil. Stir well to mix both the ingredients together. Let it cool down a bit and then apply it directly over the affected area. Keep it on for 1-2 hours and then rinse with luke warm water. Pat dry and apply any foot moisturizer. Regular use of this treatment will repair the cracked heels fast.

# Remedies for Cracked Heels with Shea Butter

Next on our list is shea butter. Shea butter is a very popular and effective skin moisturizer that hydrates as well as nourishes the skin. Shea butter contains vitamin A and E which is why it helps to heal various skin conditions related to dryness.

How to use shea butter to repair cracked heels

Apply shea butter directly on your feet specially on the cracked part of the heels and massage for a minute or two. Once it gets absorbed in to the skin wear a pair of socks and leave it on overnight. Doing this every night will make the heels softer and repair the cracks.

# Honey Remedies for Cracked Heels

Honey is one of the most popular remedy for cracked heels. Cracked heels are often accompanied by bleeding and severe pain. Honey is considered as a best natural treatment for cracked heels due to its medicinal benefits. Honey has natural anti bacterial, anti inflammatory, anti fungal and anti septic properties which helps in fast healing of the wounds. It also improves oil production that in turn stop flaking of skin.

How to use honey as Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

- First soak your feet in warm water and scrub gently with a pumice stone. Apply pure, raw and unfiltered honey on to the affected area. Let it stay for an hour and then wash it off using warm water.
- Alternatively you can also put half cup of honey in a tub of warm water and mix well. Soak your feet in it for 15 minutes and then rinse off with plain water. Pat dry and moisturize well. Repeat this home remedy for cracked heels few times in a week for best results.
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