The Concept of Gel Liner and Liquid Liner

Like what?? Seriously?? I always used to think all liners are one and same thing. They are just made in liquid or gel form for the convenience. Both liquid and gel liner do the same job and achieve similar results, but in reality they are different enough to cause a confusion.

Gel Liner

Gel liner usually comes packaged in a little pot and is a thicker, creamier consistency. You need a small brush to apply the liner to your lids and create your winged line. They allow more imperfection and often move better with the delicate skin around the eye. It’s also easier to build up your line with a gel liner and you have a lot more control of the outcome.

Liquid Liner

Liquid liners usually look like pens and work almost like a texta. However, some liquid liners will be packaged with a small brush in the lid, which is what you use to create the line. Regardless, the formulation of a liquid liner is usually more watery than a gel liner and isn’t as creamy upon application. Liquid eyeliner is very precise- which is great for creating the perfect line and a very defined look. Liquid eyeliner can make a real statement and create a dramatic look.
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