5 Beautiful Churches To Visit in Barcelona

Barcelona as a city is complete package material for any Tourister. Profoundly known for its sunny beaches and architecturally rich heritage, this city leaves in awe with unique buildings and monuments. The same is clearly visible when you visit the famous churches in Brcelona.

# La Sagrada Familia

This church is definitely Barcelona’s main attraction. This is what architect Antoni Gaudí wanted when he started constructing this back in 1882. Can you imagine this Church is still under construction even after 100 years? Yes, don’t be surprised if you see the construction still going on when you visit this church. There are multiple reasons for this, One of the primary reasons was Architect Gaudi used to make multiple changes unless he was satisfied with the design. People say that he took inspiration from nature and that is the primary reason why you would be seeing Trees, turtle, and tortoise holding the pillars of La Sagrada Familia.

# La Catedral De Barcelona (Barcelona Cathedral)

Dedicated to Eulalia of Barcelona this Church is also called a Barcelona cathedral. This church took around 150 years to build this masterpiece. You just can’t take your eyes off the stained glasses and the choir stand. My take on this church is that doesn’t get enough credit as it has been staying the shadows of La Sagrada Familia.

# Basilica de Santa Maria del Mar

One more prime example to showcase Catalan Gothic architecture. This church took around 54 years to complete. To visit this beauty you will have to visit El born one of the best neighbourhoods in the city. My personal suggestion would be not to judge this masterpiece from outside, go inside and trust me you would be awestruck looking at the Symmetrical yet spacious interiors.

# Templo Expiatorio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

This church is situated on the summit of Mount Tibidabo, on the tallest hill in western Barcelona thus allowing one to get a hawk eye’s view of the Mighty Barcelona.Don’t forget to climb up to the top church to get the best view of the city.

# Basilica de Santa Maria del Pi

This is one of those typical catholic churches and predominantly known for its simplicity. It has got its name from the pine tree which is present in front of the church.
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