5 Best Airport Restaurants in The World

Planning for an international vacation? Make sure that you are prepared for those interminable flight delays with the information on some great restaurants present at international airports or the adjoining areas. Here are our top 5 pick:

* Imperial Treasure, Singapore

The silver-polished latticed outer walls and the sleek contemporary design have made Imperial Treasure a great attraction to the tourists. Even though it is a small chain present inside a western-inspired hotel, the Chinese decoration with outsized round tables, traditionally-attired waiters and wide range of food (including fried rice with fresh and salted fish, deep-fried prawns, roasted goose, etc.) will simple make you delighted.

* Bubbles Seafood & Wine Bar, Europe

From extravagant decoration to lip-smacking seafood, Bubbles has been considered as one of the best airport restaurants in the world in terms of everything. Before boarding your flight, indulge in some amazingly fresh seafood like half-shelled oysters, pickled-herring, etc. and enjoy a great variety of wines as well as champagnes. The luxurious casino and the huge saltwater aquarium inside the restaurant are also quite popular among the passengers.

* One Flew South, United States

It is one of the finest dining restaurants in Atlanta. The slipshod, Zen-like ambiance of the One Flew South is promoted by its pine-made bases and ceilings as well as wall-to-wall frescos. The unique ‘Southernational’ menu featuring pulled-duck sandwich, dragon roll, thyme-rubbed pork belly, etc. and dozens of cocktails are enough to make you feel up during those endless delays of flights.

* The Encounter, United States

Being set inside the flying saucer-like Theme Building, this restaurant has always been a favorite of the passengers since its foundation in the year 1997. The Encounter is basically a California cuisine restaurant with intergalactic interior decoration. You simply can’t help but love those colossal lava lamps, funky barstools, twirled windows, special sound effects, and 360-degree view of the ‘LAX actions’. The food comprises salads, entrees, wraps, sandwiches, etc. with lots of asparagus as well as other fresh green veggies. Drinks served at this restaurant are also space-themed.

* Tian Xia Dumplings, China

It is a traditional Chinese restaurant serving authentic Chinese foods. The specialty of the Tin Xia Dumplings is a bowl of healthy, comforting and perfectly boiled dumplings that can be a great choice for any international traveler before boarding the flight. It is also known for its spicy noodles, hot soups and signature Hong Kong street foods.
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