5 Places on Earth That Will Disappear Soon

We have bad news for you. There are some truly mind blowing places that won’t be here for much longer. These places are eroding, crumbling, melting, shrinking away. And it looks like there’s not much we can do to stop them. So if you like to travel and want to visit one of the places on this list, you should do it soon. Who knows how much time these incredible places have left. These are 5 amazing places likely to disappear in your lifetime.

* Machu Picchu

Too many tourists, landslides, and erosion all threaten to destroy this historic site.

* The Taj Mahal

Although it’s one of the most famous buildings in the world, erosion and pollution have left experts worried that it could collapse.

* Tuvalu

With its highest point being roughly 15 feet above sea level, Tuvalu might little more than a sandbar soon.

* The Maldives

As the lowest lying country in the world, it may be submerged by the end of the century. The government has even started buying land elsewhere.

* Venice

Although it’s a tourist trap, you’d better take that gondola ride soon because Venice is sinking beneath the waves rather quickly.
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