5 Things You Should Not Do When in Mexico

Mexico City is a large and densely populated cultural and financial hub worth exploring. But before you gulp tap water after a spicy meal, read this guide to ensure you avoid rookie mistakes.

You probably know that Mexico City is Mexico’s capital, that the currency is the Mexican peso and that the official language is Spanish (although there are hundreds of indigenous languages still in use), but it’s always good to get a lay of the land before you visit (and not just because it’s the most populous city in North America). This list will help you discover the gaps in your knowledge so that you can spend more time enjoying your trip.

Avoid the metro at the hora pico

The metro’s hora pico (rush hour) in Mexico City occurs from roughly 6am to 9am and 6pm to 9pm each day. The crowds are overwhelming, and if you aren’t familiar with the local lines, you could end up stressed and frustrated. If it’s avoidable, skip the hora pico. You can plan your travel around it and be thankful you did.

Be discerning about spicy foods

On a related culinary note, Mexican spice standards might be graded on a different scale than what you’re used to. It’s best to ask for any spicy ingredients on the side (en el lado) so that you can add them in moderation without rendering your meal inedible. If you’re a fan of spice, by all means, test the waters and see if you can handle the heat.

Don’t drink the tap water

While you should try the food, you definitely should not drink the tap water. It will make you sick and could put a damper on your stay. You may know to stick to bottled water, but there are other ways you might ingest the water that won’t immediately come to mind. Keep an eye out for what your salad is washed in, and think twice before accepting ice cubes. Even if you do everything right, the chances are high that you will get an upset tummy at one point or another on your trip to Mexico. Don’t fret about it – just avoid spicy street food for a while and drink plenty of rehydrating electrolytes.

Don’t take taxis from the street

On the subject of taxis, don’t hail them from the street. If you’re at all concerned about kidnapping (which has been an unfortunate reality in the past), stick to official cab stands like those at the airport, or take Ubers wherever you go

Don’t flush the toilet paper

This one is pretty straightforward, although it can seem weird to some foreigners. Most places in Mexico have plumbing that isn’t equipped to deal with toilet paper, so make sure to throw your used tissue in the bin that’s in the cubicle.
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