6 Delicious Cuisines of Hyderabad to Try

Are you planning to go to Hyderabad with your family and friends? If yes, then definitely you have started planning where to live, what to see, and what to eat. When it comes to food, then Hyderabad is the right place for your taste buds.

The cuisines of Hyderabad are ravishing consisting of meat, fat, nuts, and spices. Hyderabad is a city known for its traditional culture and that culture depicts in the Nizami special foods. In Hyderabad, you can get some amazing flavourful dishes for your taste.

Here are some of the specialties of Hyderabadi street food that are a must-try food to anyone visiting the city of Nizams.

# Irani Chai

Irani Chai is the soul of Hyderabad. Irani chai is introduced by Persians in this city of India. If you ever get a visit to Hyderabad, you must try Irani Chai as it is made by adding khoya or mawa to black tea.

# Hyderabadi Biryani

Hyderabadi Biryani is the world-famous dish that is available in every corner of Hyderabad. It is the yummiest main course having mutton or chicken infused with rich aromas of spices.

# Haleem

Hyderabadi Haleem is a dish that was introduced during the Nizam rule. It is the famous Hyderabadi street food that has now been localized by adding traditional spices. It consists of meat, lentils along pounded wheat and made it into a thick paste. It is most commonly found at the time of Ramadan.

# Hyderabadi Marag

Hyderabadi Marag is a spicy-meaty soup. It has a light texture and prepared with tender mutton. It is the perfect starter in every Hyderabadi wedding.

# Keema Samosa

Keema Samosa of Hyderabad is made of spicy masala and minced meat that makes it a unique and flavorful snack of Hyderabad streets. It is also famous at the time of Ramzan.

# Boti Kebab

Boti Kebab is a famous dish of Hyderabad that is made of marinated mutton cooked with garden-fresh herbs. The fresh herbs add more taste and flavor to the dish.
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