6 Tips To Help You Travel on a Budget

No, this is not an article to motivate you to sell everything in your possession and travel. But it can be if you think that way. Everybody wants to travel but money seems to always be the problem. Yes, that also includes saving your own money. Often I asked myself how I am going to survive overseas without spending a bomb. Many trials and error later, I have gotten a hold on it. So I will be sharing with you a few valuable tips on how to travel cheaply.

# Buy Your Tickets in Advance

Especially on sale periods and also if you wish to travel on festival/public days. Prices will sure hike up. Do take note that some airlines have travel periods during their sales.

# Buy a 1 Way Ticket and Leave from another Country

This is a definite trial and error that I did. You can fly in from one destination, do an overland trip and leave from another destination. Just make sure you have enough traveling time of at least 2 weeks etc. Plus you get to explore different parts of the world while at it.

# Carry-on Your Luggage

Travel light and bring only what you need. You will save a few bucks when you don’t checked in your luggage and have a hassle-free walking in and out of the airport.

# Take Public Transport

Instead of taking taxis & shuttle buses, take a public bus or check out the area if they offer free buses. Some states do provide free buses that takes you around popular areas. Instead of paying Rs 1000 for a shuttle bus, you can take it for free around the city!

# Stay in a Hostel

Hostels can cost a gazillion times cheaper than a fancy hotel. They provide the basic necessities that you need like a bed, shared toilet, common room and if you are lucky – even a kitchen! New friends included! Instead of paying 3000-3500 Rs a night for a room that you will not fully utilize for your trip, book a hostel dorm bed as cheap as 500-600 Rs. Of course there are pros & cons for both but if you are traveling alone, this is also a good choice for you to socialize with other travelers.

# Set a Daily Budget

Budget your spending per day. Example; travel for 2100 Rs. a day. Including food and transportation. By setting a budget, you will know where your money is going. That extra left overs can bring forward for the next day or if you overspend than you will have to be careful for the next day.
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