International Yoga Day 2023- 4 Yoga Poses That Will Help You Treat Different Types of Headaches

Headaches can cause intense pain and frustration, particularly when your job demands high levels of focus. They can hinder your everyday tasks and may be instigated by factors like stress, hormonal fluctuations, or certain foods. To alleviate headaches, practicing yoga can be a viable option as it doesn't entail any adverse effects unlike pharmaceutical medications. According to a recent study conducted on individuals dealing with migraines, those who incorporated a five-day-a-week yoga routine into their migraine management plan reported more significant relief compared to those who solely relied on conventional treatment methods.

Headaches are a common and often bothersome affliction that can significantly impact our daily lives. They are characterized by pain or discomfort in the head or neck region, varying in intensity from mild to severe. Headaches can be a standalone condition or a symptom of an underlying health issue. They can occur sporadically or become chronic, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

The causes of headaches are diverse and can include factors such as stress, tension, hormonal changes, poor posture, eyestrain, certain foods or beverages, environmental factors, and underlying medical conditions. The pain experienced during a headache can range from a dull ache to a throbbing sensation, and it may be accompanied by other symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, or difficulty concentrating.

Managing headaches effectively is essential to minimize their impact on daily activities and overall well-being. Treatment options can vary depending on the type and cause of the headache. They may include over-the-counter pain relievers, lifestyle modifications, relaxation techniques, alternative therapies, or prescription medications when necessary.

It's worth noting that while occasional headaches are generally harmless and can often be managed with self-care measures, persistent or severe headaches should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and establish an appropriate treatment plan.

# Shishuasana

Shishuasana, also known as Child's Pose, is a relaxing and restorative yoga pose that can help release tension in the back, shoulders, and neck. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do Shishuasana:

- Start by kneeling on the floor. Sit back on your heels, with your big toes touching and your knees hip-width apart.

- Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly lower your torso forward, bringing your chest toward your thighs.

- Once your chest is close to or touching your thighs, extend your arms forward and place your hands on the floor, palms facing down. Your arms should be shoulder-width apart.

- Gently rest your forehead on the mat or turn your head to one side, whichever is more comfortable for you.

- As you settle into the pose, allow your breath to become steady and relaxed. You can focus on breathing deeply into your back and sides, feeling a gentle expansion and release with each breath.

- Stay in Shishuasana for several breaths or as long as feels comfortable for you. You can choose to remain still or make small movements to further release tension in the back and shoulders.

- To come out of the pose, slowly walk your hands back toward your body, lifting your torso upright as you do so. Sit back on your heels and take a moment to notice the effects of the pose on your body and mind.

It's important to listen to your body and modify the pose as needed. If you have knee or ankle issues, you can place a folded blanket or cushion between your buttocks and heels for added support. Always consult with a qualified yoga instructor if you have any concerns or specific conditions before attempting new poses.

# Adho mukha svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as Downward-Facing Dog, is a popular yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the entire body. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do Adho Mukha Svanasana:

- Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart, fingers spread wide, and your knees hip-width apart.

- Position your hands slightly forward of your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.

- As you exhale, lift your knees off the mat and slowly straighten your legs, pressing your hips upward.

- Extend your arms fully and press your palms firmly into the mat, distributing the weight evenly between your hands and fingers.

- Engage your core muscles by drawing your belly button in towards your spine.

- Lengthen your spine by simultaneously pushing your tailbone up and back while reaching your chest towards your thighs.

- Keep your head aligned with your arms, relaxing it between your upper arms. Your gaze should be towards your feet or towards your belly button, depending on what feels comfortable for your neck.

- Check your alignment: Your body should resemble an inverted V shape, with your heels reaching towards or touching the floor. If your heels don't touch the floor, it's perfectly fine to keep them lifted or use a folded mat or blanket for support.

- Maintain a steady and smooth breath as you hold the pose. Allow your body to relax and let any tension melt away.

- Stay in Adho Mukha Svanasana for several breaths or as long as feels comfortable for you. Beginners can start with holding the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute and gradually increase the duration over time.

- To come out of the pose, bend your knees and lower them back to the mat, returning to the tabletop position.

Remember to listen to your body and modify the pose as needed. If you have wrist, shoulder, or back issues, you can try variations such as using blocks under your hands or slightly bending your knees. It's always advisable to practice under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor to ensure proper alignment and avoid any potential injuries.

# Setu Bandhasana

Setu Bandhasana, also known as Bridge Pose, is a yoga asana that helps to strengthen the back, open the chest, and stretch the hip flexors. Here's how you can practice Setu Bandhasana:

- Lie down on your back on a yoga mat or a comfortable surface. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Your feet should be close to your sitting bones.

- Relax your arms by your sides, with your palms facing down. Your fingertips should be lightly touching the heels.

- Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, press your feet into the floor. Begin lifting your hips off the mat, engaging your glutes and pressing your pelvis toward the ceiling. Keep your thighs and feet parallel to each other.

- Roll your shoulders back and down, opening your chest. You can interlace your fingers underneath your body and press your arms into the mat to lift your chest even more.

- Keep breathing deeply as you hold the pose. You can gently tuck your chin toward your chest to lengthen the back of your neck.

- Maintain the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, or as long as it feels comfortable for you. Avoid straining your neck or over-arching your back.

- To release the pose, slowly lower your spine and hips back down to the mat, vertebra by vertebra. Rest in Corpse Pose (Shavasana) for a few breaths to relax your body.

Some tips to keep in mind while practicing Setu Bandhasana:

- Make sure your feet are parallel to each other and hip-width apart.
- Avoid squeezing your glutes too tightly, and focus on engaging your core muscles.
- If you have any neck issues or discomfort, support your neck with a folded blanket or avoid tucking your chin too much.
- Listen to your body and modify the pose as needed. If you have any injuries or medical conditions, it's best to consult a qualified yoga instructor before attempting the pose.

Remember to approach any yoga pose with patience and respect for your body's limitations. Enjoy your practice!

# Chakravakasana

Chakravakasana, also known as Cat-Cow Pose, is a dynamic yoga asana that helps to warm up and mobilize the spine while stretching the back muscles. Here's how you can practice Chakravakasana:

- Start by coming onto your hands and knees, with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees hip-width apart. Your wrists should be aligned with your shoulders, and your knees should be aligned with your hips.

- Inhale deeply as you drop your belly towards the floor, gently arching your back. Lift your chest and gaze forward, allowing your tailbone to lift towards the ceiling. This is the Cow Pose.

- As you exhale, round your spine upwards, tucking your chin towards your chest. Draw your navel towards your spine, and tuck your tailbone under. Imagine you're pulling your belly button towards the ceiling. This is the Cat Pose.

- Continue to move with your breath, flowing smoothly between Cow and Cat Pose. Inhale as you transition to Cow Pose, and exhale as you transition to Cat Pose. Let the movement be slow and controlled, allowing your breath to guide the pace.

- Repeat this flowing movement for several rounds, synchronizing your breath with the movement of your spine. Feel the articulation of your spine as you flex and extend, and try to create a smooth and fluid motion.

- While practicing, pay attention to the sensations in your body. Focus on the stretch and release in your back, and notice how the movement affects your breath and energy flow.

- You can practice Chakravakasana for 5-10 rounds or as long as it feels comfortable and beneficial to you.

Some additional tips for practicing Chakravakasana:

- Keep your movements gentle and avoid any strain or discomfort. Listen to your body and modify the poses if needed.
- Maintain awareness of your breath throughout the practice. Coordinate each movement with a deep inhalation or exhalation.
- Feel free to explore variations of the pose, such as adding side-to-side movements or circles with your spine, to find what feels good for your body.
- This pose can be used as a warm-up before other yoga practices or as a standalone pose for spinal mobility and relaxation.

Remember, Chakravakasana is a gentle and soothing pose for the spine. Enjoy the movement and the release it brings to your body.
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