Say GoodBye To Ill Health With Oats

By: Pinki Fri, 18 Aug 2017 03:10:57

Say GoodBye to ill health with Oats

Oats, the wonderful golden grain, offer a rich combination of good phytochemicals including ferulic acid & caffeic acid, fibre proteins, B group Vitamins & minerals. This combination has properties of helping the body fight heart disease, diabetes & also cancer. Oats are also beneficial in lowering blood pressure, resisting yeast infection and boosting immunity.

The heart-friendly function of oats is attributed to the soluble fibre . The soluble Fibre is that fiber which dissolves in water and in the body turns into a kind of thick viscous gel which moves slowly through the intestines. A bowl of cooked oats for breakfast is the easiest way to have a daily dose of oats.The antioxidants in Oats also prevent the free radicals from harming the cholesterol & this also contributes to lowering the risk of cancer.

Oats help diabetics also.In any form they are wholegrain & obviously have all the benefits of whole grains. Whole grains are digested slowly and this helps people with type 1 diabetes.This also prevents the highs & lows of glucose in the body which are risky for diabetics.

Oats have a higher content of proteins than other cereals. The Protein in Oats is comparable to say protein which in turn is equal to proteins of animal origin. This high protein of good quality oatmeal the muscle-building qualities.

Oats, like other whole grains, have been found to be of cardiovascular benefit in post menopausal women due to their fibre content. This fibre must come from whole grains & not from fruits or vegetables. One serving oats six times a week is sufficient to supply this benefit.

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