Tips To Get Rid Of Dandruff

By: Sandeep Wed, 28 June 2017 8:26:59

Tips To Get Rid of Dandruff

1.Mix 2 tspns of Brandy in 1 cup of water. Apply with the fingertips to the roots of hair. Wash after 1/2 hour with shampoo.

2.Keep the scalp clean. Oil hair on alternate days and shampoo.

3.Mix 1 tblspn of Olive oil with 1 tspn of limejuice. Apply well on the scalp and cover the head by tying an old scarf. Keep it on overnight and shampoo the next morning.

4.Oil hair well before going to bed. Next morning mix 1 tspn limejuice with ½ tspn salt. Rub this on the scalp with the peel of a lime turned inside out. Leave for 1 hour before shampooing.

5.Take 2 tblspns of Beetroot juice and add 1 egg and 1 tspn limejuice to this. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.

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