5 Side Effects Of Overhead Beams In House

By: Sandeep Thu, 25 Jan 2018 08:52:22

5 Side Effects of Overhead Beams in House

Beams (downward projections of the ceiling) are considered to be oppressive to the person who habitually uses the area directly beneath them. In modern day constructions, the floors and the walls are held mainly by concrete beams and columns. Beams sometimes run the entire lengths of houses. In old houses, we can see wooden beams protruding from the ceiling. It is better not to sleep or sit directly under such beams for long hours as they have harmful effects on persons.

* If the ceiling of a building is of a good height (above 18 feet), then there will be only negligible negative influence due to a beam. However, in case the house has a low ceiling (less than 9 feet), the influence of the beams will be more perceptibly felt.

* The beams will exert more oppressive influence on those sitting under them if they are “weight bearing” i.e. if they are holding the room. If the beam is just an ornamentation or design, the negative influence will not be that much.

side effects of overhead beams,overhead beams in house,vastu tips for overhead beams in house

* If the portion under the beam is used continuously for more than 8 hours then the negative effects may be more perceptibly felt by the person who was under it. However, if the beam is located in a store room or other place where people rarely frequent, the influence will not be so perceptible.

* If a beam is over the head in the bedroom it causes headaches; if it is over the stomach portion (of a person who sleeps regularly under the beam everyday), it causes ulcers; if the beam is over the feet, it may cause decreased mobility or joint problems in the leg.

* If the beam is between the husband and the wife (husband is one side of the overhead beam and the wife sleeps on the other side; both are not directly under it), it causes differences of opinion leading to their eventual separation!

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