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4 Essential Oils You Can Include In Your Hair Care Routine During Winters

By: Neha Tue, 31 Jan 2023 5:48:51

4 Essential Oils You Can Include in Your Hair Care Routine During Winters

Winter may be difficult for hair and scalp because the chilly, dry air can lead to dehydration and eventually, to flaky scalp and dandruff. During the wintertime, strengthening and nourishing your hair with essential oils could be a simple and effective natural solution. Take into consideration that essential oils should only be used carefully and because they are very strong. Before using essential oils on the skin or scalp, always mix them with a carrier oil. Before applying them to your hair, perform a patch test to be sure you are not allergic. Here are some essential oils you may use on your hair and the benefits they can provide:

essential oils you can include in your hair care routine during winters,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Rosemary oil

Both hair damage and hair fall can be prevented by rosemary oil. It can be blended with carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, and massaged to the scalp. It can also be put in your shampoo or conditioner.

essential oils you can include in your hair care routine during winters,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Lavender oil

Dandruff can be minimized and healthier hair growth can be encouraged using lavender oil. It can be added to your shampoo or conditioner and massaged into the scalp after mixing it with carrier oil.

essential oils you can include in your hair care routine during winters,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antifungal characteristics that can be used to treat dandruff and itching. You can mix it with your shampoo or conditioner or apply it to your scalp after combining it with a carrier oil. This oil can really be helpful for you to make your scalp and hair healthy.

essential oils you can include in your hair care routine during winters,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Peppermint oil

The usage of peppermint oil can help to increase the scalp's blood circulation and promote the growth of thicker hair. You can add it to your shampoo or conditioner or apply it to your scalp after combining it with carrier oil.

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