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5 Acne Myths For A Healthier And Clearer Skin

By: Kratika Tue, 28 Feb 2023 5:02:29

5 Acne Myths for a Healthier and Clearer Skin

There’s an endless amount of information out there about acne because it is something that most of us have been affected by at some point. For the uninitiated, acne is not the same thing as zit or pimples. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells and occurs in clusters. If you have suffered or are suffering from this skin condition, you have had your fair share of posts of WhatsApp forwards and advice from your grandma. It sometimes gets to a point where you can no longer differentiate fact from fiction and end up trying everything just to get rid of this condition. Chances are, you have made your acne worse than it was in the process of trying to heal it.

The only foolproof way to treat your acne is to visit a dermatologist, be on medication and have patience. But before you do that, it is important to know about your acne and unlearn everything that you know. We are busting acne myths for you so that you can get started on your acne healing journey.

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# Myth: Adults do not get acne

Truth: It is true that acne outbreaks are most common in teenagers, but that doesn’t mean that adults are spared. In most adults, there are two types of acne that exist; one is the late-onset acne, and the other one, is persistent acne. For a lot of adults, they get their hormonal acne in their mid or late twenties, and a lot of them even carry their teenage acne into adulthood. Busting acne myths is the first step in your skincare journey.

# Myth: Acne is caused by dirty skin

Truth: No, it doesn’t. It is the role of the pilosebaceous unit of the skin that plays a major role in acne. Your skin’s sebaceous gland acts as the control unit that is regulated by certain hormones. If this gland increases in size, it leads to more oil production in your skin, as a result of which your pores get sticky and clogged. It is these clogged pores that are the breeding grounds for the acne-causing bacteria. This is why busting acne myths is so important.

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# Myth: Your diet is the main reason why you have acne

Truth: Your diet doesn’t have as much of an impact on acne as you might think. You must have had the age-old advice of cutting oily, greasy food from your diet completely in order to treat your acne. Modern research shows that there’s no direct link between oily food and the risk of developing acne. In fact, when you consume oily food, your body quickly breaks down the oil in food into an energy source, either using it to fuel your body or storing it as fat to burn later.

# Myth: Using makeup on acne will make it worse

Truth: Of course, makeup won’t make your acne better, but it definitely has no role in making it worse. Acne is caused by a combination of sebum and dead skin cells. But yes, if you are dealing with acne already, the key is to opt for oil-free products. You should choose non-comedogenic, oil-free products that do not add more oil to your skin, and this is how you must bust acne myths.

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# Myth: Wash your face to avoid further breakouts

Truth: Yes, it is a good idea to wash your face twice every day to maintain general skin hygiene, but it has nothing to do with avoiding your breakouts. Acne usually develops as a result of multiple factors. Sometimes, your androgenic hormones like testosterone can stimulate your body’s production of sebum, which leads to the blockage of follicles and causes acne. Other times, dead skin cells can build up on your face, making your skin blockage worse, and leading to inflamed, painful acne. In fact, the more frequently you wash your face in a day, the more amount of sebum your sebaceous glands will keep secreting between each cleaning session, making your acne worse.

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