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5 Best Ways To Treat Pimples Without Any Chemicals

By: Pinki Wed, 01 Jan 2020 11:54:46

5 Best Ways To Treat Pimples Without Any Chemicals

Pimples or acne is the most common skin condition affecting a large population around the world. The incidence of this disease is high in the adolescents due to the hormonal changes occurring in the body during the pubertal phase. However, pimples usually occur on the face, but they may also appear on the neck, back, and the shoulders. Though acne is not a serious condition and does not affect the health in a major way, it can cause considerable disfigurement and have a detrimental effect on the person’s appearance.

# Lemon

Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and dab it on the affected part. Wash it off after 5 to 6 hours. It is best to use it just before going to bed.

- Alternatively, you can mix 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this mixture on the affected areas and leave it overnight. You can wash it off the next day morning with lukewarm water.

# Tea Tree Oil

Dip a clean cotton swab in tea tree oil and dab it on the pimple. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then, rinse your face with plain water.

- An alternative way of using tea tree oil for pimples is to mix a few drops of this oil in one tablespoonful of aloe vera gel. Apply this mixture on pimples and leave it for 20 minutes before rinsing it off.

5 best ways to treat pimples without any chemicals,how to get rid of pimples,skin care,skin care tips,simple beauty tips,quick beauty tips

# Stem

- Fill a large tub or a container with hot water.

- Place your face close to the container, but at a safer distance to avoid spillage of the water on your body and to avoid the steam from causing scalds.

- Keep a distance that just allows the steam to come in contact with your face.

- Take the steam for a few minutes. Then, rinse your face with plain or lukewarm water and pat it dry.

- You may apply an oil-free moisturizer on the skin.

# Garlic

- Cut a garlic clove into two pieces and rub it on the eruptions. Press the piece of garlic gently on the skin to allow for the extraction of the juice.

- Leave it for about five minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

- You can repeat this treatment several times a day.

# Baking Soda

- Take a tablespoonful of baking soda and add to it a few drops of water to make a paste. Then, apply this paste on the affected part and rinse it off after 5 minutes.

- Another effective way to use baking soda for pimples is to prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoonfuls of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and 5 tablespoons of honey. Apply it to the face and wash after a few minutes. You can use this remedy once a week.

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