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5 Home-Made Conditioners To Keep Hair Healthy During Summer

By: Shweta Wed, 03 June 2020 1:35:44

5 Home-Made Conditioners To Keep Hair Healthy During Summer

The summer sun can wreak a havoc on your luscious locks by drying up the moisture, making your hair brittle and more prone to breakage. Apart from regular deep conditioning and spa treatments, one of the best ways to add moisture to your hair is to use a water based leave-in conditioner.

Water based moisturizers maintain your hair's moisture. They also prove to seal the moisture into your hair throughout days and even weeks.It can be difficult to find one that is right for your hair texture and flatters your hair type and style. You can wither do through the tedious task of selecting one from the variety available in the market or make a leave-in conditioner at home.

Here are a couple of recipes which can help you whip up leave-in hair conditioners which suit you the best:

* Coconut honey

Mix 2 tablespoon coconut and 1 teaspoon avocado oil in a small cup. Pour 4 tablespoons aloe vera gel and water in a small spray bottle. Then add your coconut and avocado mix to the spray bottle. Shake well prior to every application. This leave in conditioner protects your hair from breakage. The amino acids in avocado sooth your scalp while the proteins work to rebuild your hair’s follicles naturally. Plus, these ingredients add shine to hair and prevent breakage.

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* Herbal water

For this soothing herbal water recipe, mix 1 cup water, ½ cupcoconut milk, and ½ cupaloe vera gel in small spray bottle. Mix 1 tablespoon shea butter, 1 teaspoon rosemary oil and 1 teaspoon olive oil in a small bowl. Melt1 tablespoon coconut oiland combine it with water mixture, and then add oils to spray bottle. Shake well prior to every application.The base of this mixtures consists of olive oil and shea butter, which are heavy moisturizers that are ideal for thick or coarse hair textures. Rosemary and thyme are essential oils are packed with antiseptic properties. They have also been found to reduce dandruff, soothe inflamed scalp, and balance oestrogen in the body to promote hair growth.

* Jojoba conditioner

Combine 1 and ½ cups of aloe vera juice, 2 cups of coconut water, and 2 teaspoons jojoba oil in a small spray bottle. Pour ingredients into a spray bottle and shake prior to each application. This leave-in is a lighter mixture that is ideal for fine or wavy hair textures. Jojoba oil is very much like your hair’s natural oil. It produces a natural shine while promoting strength, manageability, and softness. It also prevents dandruff and flaking. Aloe vera juice is known to promote hair growth, reduce shedding, and restore the natural pH balance of your hair and scalp.

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* Lavender leave-in

For this leave in formula you need ½ cup coconut oil, 3 teaspoon shea butter, 2 teaspoon jojoba oil and 5-6 drops of lavender essential oil. Combine coconut milk and melted shea butter. Add oils. Pour mixture into a small spray bottle. Shake well before applying and apply liberally. This leave-in conditioner is designed to aid in locking in moisture and style. It is recommended for wash-and-go styles. Lavender oil promotes hair growth, volume, and thickness. Its healing therapeutic properties are also ideal for calming inflamed scalps and relieving stress.

* Ylang ylang conditioner

Combine 2 teaspoon aloe vera juice and 2 teaspoon coconut water in a small cup. Add 8 tablespoon water and 2 teaspoon honey. Mix well. Mix together 2 teaspoon coconut oil, 2 teaspoon ylang-ylang oil and up to 6 drops of essential oil of your choice (rosemary, thyme, or tea tree oil are recommended). Add oils to the water solution. Shake well prior to each application and apply liberally. Ylang-ylang is an essential oil derived from leaves of the Cananga tree. It is known for its antibacterial qualities and promoting hair growth.This solution prevents hair loss and promotes growth. It is also the best formula to promote softness, reduce breakage, and combat frizz.

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