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5 Home Remedies To Help You Get Rid Of Tan From Feet

By: Neha Wed, 18 Jan 2023 3:43:40

5 Home Remedies To Help You Get Rid of Tan from Feet

The sun is getting harsher and the temperature is rising. And during such times nothing bothers us more than sun tan. We cover our face and hands to avoid sun tan, but often ignore our feet. Feet is one of our most exposed body parts and that’s why they easily get tanned and unclean. It is very important to look after our feet as dark, tanned feet can ruin our entire look.

We take care of our more visible body parts, but forget about our feet. Covered shoes can save our feet from sun tan and dirt, but we can’t always wear shoes. Once in a while, we want to wear those lovely sandals, smart flip flops or high heel shoes. Exposure to sun causes our feet to suffer from sun tan. If you are also suffering from tanned feet and looking for ways to remove that tan, then look no further as this post will tell you How to Remove Tan from Feet. Here we will let you know about some amazing home remedies that can be made easily using your kitchen ingredients. Scroll down below and find out How to Remove Tan from Feet.

home remedies to help you get rid of tan from feet,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Potato

Cut a slice of potato and rub it on the foot. Alternatively mash a potato in a blender to get its juice. Apply the juice on the feet and rinse off after 10 minutes. Potato juice is known for its natural bleaching quality. With regular use, it helps to get rid of tan and pigmentation.

home remedies to help you get rid of tan from feet,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Almonds

Soak 4-5 almonds in a cup of water overnight. Next morning, make a paste of them and apply on the feet. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash off. Almond can naturally lighten dark feet by getting rid of pigmentation. Also it nourishes the skin cells, removes dryness and makes skin healthy and radiant from within.

home remedies to help you get rid of tan from feet,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Lemon and Salt

Take 2 tbsp of salt in a small bowl. Add few drops of lemon juice to it. Mix well and apply on the feet. Now massage gently to exfoliate the skin. Rinse with cold water after some time. Salt is a natural scrub that removes the dead skin cells and thereby removing the tan. On the other hand, lemon juice is known for its natural bleaching properties.

home remedies to help you get rid of tan from feet,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Dry Orange Peel and Milk

Powder the dried orange peel by putting it in a blender. Add some milk to the powder to make a paste. Apply a thick layer of this on the feet and wait till it dries. Wash of with cold water. Milk has lactic acid in it which is a skin lightening agent. It helps to get rid of tan and pigmentation. Orange peel, being acidic in nature, helps to exfoliate and lighten skin tone.

home remedies to help you get rid of tan from feet,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Sandalwood Powder and Tomato

Take 2 tbsp of sandalwood powder and squeeze a few drops of tomato juice into it. Mix well and apply on the tanned feet. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash off with cold water. Sandalwood powder is antiseptic in nature, it keeps our feet healthy and free from infection. Moreover it also lightens pigmentation and removes tan. Orange has natural bleaching properties that helps to get rid of the tan from the feet.

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