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Prepare These Fruit Face Masks At Home And Get Clear Skin

By: Pinki Thu, 29 June 2017 10:23:24

Prepare These Fruit Face Masks at Home and Get Clear Skin

Fruit face pack and face mask using natural ingredients are always a safe bait when it comes to skin care because these ingredients have no potential side effects and have been in use from the times of our grandmothers.


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- 1 or 2 fresh carrots

- 1/2 tablespoon honey

- Grind the carrot extract mix with 1 tbsp honey and apply it to the face. Let the pack dry for 15 minutes on your face, later you can wash it with cold water for amazing results.


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- 1 spoon smashed potato paste

- 1/2 spoon curd

- Add all the ingredients and apply to face, wash your face with cold water after 15 minutes.


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- 1 Tomato

- 1/2 spoon of dried lemon peel powder

- 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice

- Take tomato paste and mix lemon peel powder and lemon juice in it and apply to face, wash your face with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.

Olive Oil

beauty tips,5 homemade face packs for clear skin,tips to get clear skin,homemade ways to get glowing skin

Olive Oil

- 1 Spoon of Olive oil

- 1/2 Spoon of lemon juice

- Mix the ingredients and apply to face, clean it with water after 15 minutes. This mask helps us to have a glowing skin.


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- A handful of Pudina leaves

- 1 Tablespoon of rose water

- Make the powder of dried pudina leaves and mix rose water in it to make it a paste. Apply it to face and clean it with water after 2 hours.

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