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Sick Of Oily Skin? Don't Worry Your Kitchen Has Solution Of It

By: Pinki Wed, 12 July 2017 11:31:25

Sick of Oily Skin? Don't Worry Your Kitchen Has Solution Of It

Summer is almost gone, and monsoon is here. The season that brings lots of skin problems, specifically for oily skin. Here are some easy Ayurvedic remedies for oily skin, with ingredients you probably already have lying around at home. These are effective and don’t take time out of your busy schedule.

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1. Milk
The simple, healing properties of milk will take care of your oily skin problems. Simply soak a cotton ball in milk and wipe your face with it twice a day, at least once before going to sleep. If you feel you need a little extra cleansing, add a few drops of lemon concentrate to the cotton ball.

2. Orange
Orange concentrate has high levels of Vitamin C that is very good for the skin. Squeeze half an orange into a bowl and apply it on your face with the help of a cotton ball. Keep it on for about ten to fifteen minutes before washing off.

3. Turmeric
A paste made from sandalwood and turmeric can be used for both the head and the face. Mix sandalwood and turmeric powder, and add water (or lemon concentrate) to it. Then spread this paste on your face and head, and wait for about ten to fifteen minutes before washing off.

4. Aloe Vera
Aloe works as an anti-inflammatory agent. Cut the green layers off the leaf and you are left with a transparent, slimy, gel-like substance. In a bowl, mash this gel with your fingers as best as you can. Then apply this on your face and hair, and keep it on for about ten minutes or till it’s dry. Then, wash off. This can be the best ayurvedic face wash for oily skin.

5. Water
Warm some water to make it lukewarm. With a swab of cotton, wipe your face well. This will remove all the dirt from the pores of your face. Then, take an ice out from the freezer and rub it all over your face, especially the “T” zone. This closes up the pores on your face. Do this once a day for a few weeks for slow yet satisfying results.

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