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5 Things You Can Try To Treat Acne At Home

By: Kratika Mon, 27 Feb 2023 4:44:26

5 Things You Can Try To Treat Acne at Home

Acne is the monster that pounces on you right from puberty, and at times doesn’t release you from its clutches until late adulthood. Scientifically the disease is termed ‘acne vulgaris’, a very aptly given name. It is a disease of the hair follicles of the face, chest, and back that affects almost all teenagers during puberty.

It comes in many forms like blackheads, pimples, whiteheads, cysts, and scars. Some common causes of acne include genetics, stress, an unhealthy diet, dirt particles, hormonal changes, and infections.

things you can try to treat acne at home,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Make a Honey-Cinnamon Face Mask

Honey and cinnamon are two natural ingredients with multiple health benefits. One of these benefits is that the two combined can fight acne. This is because honey and cinnamon have the ability to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation, which are two factors that can trigger acne. Here’s how you can make your own Honey-Cinnamon Face Mask.

- Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to form a paste.

- After cleansing, apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 10–15 minutes.

- Rinse the mask off completely and pat your face dry.

things you can try to treat acne at home,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Apply Green Tea to your skin

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and drinking it can also nurture good health. Just like with Honey and Cinnamon, the polyphenols in green tea help in fighting bacteria and reducing inflammation, two major causes of acne. Many types of research have shown that applying green tea directly to the skin can also help in reducing acne. Here’s how you can apply green tea to your skin:

- Keep the green tea in boiling water for 3–4 minutes.

- Allow the tea to cool down.

- Use a cotton ball to apply the tea to your skin.

- Allow it to dry, then rinse it off with water and pat your skin dry.

- Meditate

- Take deep breaths

things you can try to treat acne at home,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Drink lots of water

Drinking water prevents acne by promoting proper skin hydration. Dry skin can trigger excess oil production, which can lead to acne, and hence it’s important to keep your skin well hydrated. Several studies have shown that increasing your water intake helps keep your skin soft and smooth. Some benefits of drinking water include weight loss, headache prevention, acne prevention, and reduction of wrinkles.

things you can try to treat acne at home,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# De-stress your lifestyle

Being under constant stress can cause hormonal changes in your body, and these hormonal changes in turn can cause acne to break out on your skin. Here are some steps you can take to reduce stress in your life:

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