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5 Ways To Get Rid Of Head Lice With Natural Ingredients

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Sat, 14 Dec 2019 11:27:15

5 Ways To Get Rid of Head Lice With Natural Ingredients

Head lice are tiny parasites that live on the scalp and hair shafts. These parasites feed on blood. Head lice multiply rapidly, laying small oval-shaped eggs known as nits, which are visible near the base of the hair, close to the scalp.

Although anyone can have head lice, the problem is especially common among children. It is important to note that lice infestation isn’t always a sign of poor personal hygiene or an unclean living environment.

* Use a Louse Comb

Invest in a nit or louse comb to get rid of head lice naturally. The fine-toothed comb is easily available at any drugstore and it helps to keep the hair free of lice. However, it is not effective for nits.A 1999 study published in Pediatrics Drugs points out that the most effective tool for the prevention and control of lice is the louse comb. It should be used on a regular basis to detect lice at an early stage of infestation and to remove living and dead lice from the head.

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* Coat Your Hair with Mayonnaise

This ingredient contains a lot of oil, which has viscosity properties. Thus, it can help suffocate live head lice. Also, it lubricates the hair and facilitates combing the lice from the scalp.A 1999 study published in Pediatric Drugs reports that suffocating agents such as mayonnaise can help kill a significant number of lice only if they are applied in liberal amounts for more than 12 hours.

* Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another effective remedy for head lice. The lubricating nature of coconut oil will stop the lice from moving around freely, thus preventing them from multiplying.In a 2002 study published in the Israel Medical Association Journal, researchers used a natural remedy, which consisted of coconut oil, anise oil, and ylang-ylang oil on the hair of children (aged 6-14 years) thrice at 5-day intervals and found it to be effective for head lice infestation.

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* Tree Tea Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural insecticide which offers a lot of health benefits. Being an effective insecticide, it plays a vital role in treatment for head lice.In a 2010 study published in BMC Dermatology, researchers examined the effectiveness of three different products to treat head lice, including one that contained tea tree oil. It was found that tea tree oil was effective in keeping the head free of lice.

* Neem

Neem, also known as Indian lilac, is a good remedy to get rid of head lice. Being a natural insecticide, it can help kill the lice.In a 2012 study published in Parasitology Research, researchers examined the effectiveness of an anti-louse shampoo based on a neem seed extract on the hair of 12 children and found it to be very effective.

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