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6 Benefits Of Curd You Didn't Knew For Your Skin

By: Kratika Fri, 20 Jan 2023 5:08:32

6 Benefits of Curd You Didn't Knew for Your Skin

Curd can improve skin elasticity, give your face an even tone, reduce pigmentation and delay the signs of aging.

Curd is an excellent probiotic that helps in keeping your digestive tract healthy. Rich in calcium, probiotics, and several other nutrients, the curd is a must-have item in every household.

While there are many recipes to use curd in your meals, there will still be some leftovers sitting in the fridge. Many patients come to me asking if they can use the leftover curd in their beauty regime and whether it is safe for all.

benefits of curd you didnt knew for your skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Curd is a Great Moisturiser

Regular use of a curd face pack can help treat your dry skin problems. Curd has excellent hydrating properties. It is rich in lactic acid which naturally exfoliates and moisturizes your skin. The probiotic bacteria present in curd produce hyaluronic acid which is a great moisturizer.

How to use curd as a moisturizer?

- Take a few spoons of curd and add honey to it.

- Honey has moisturizing and therapeutic properties.

- Mix it well and apply it evenly to your face.

- Allow the mask to sit for 15 minutes.

- Wash with cold water and pat dry gently.

benefits of curd you didnt knew for your skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Curd fights acne and pimples

Curd possesses antimicrobial properties that help in fighting acne-causing bacteria. It further contains zinc and lactic acid that relieves inflammation and redness associated with acne. A pack of curd and turmeric can be your best friend if you have acne issues.

How to use curd for fighting acne?

- Mix an equal amount of curd and turmeric.

- Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

- Apply it to the acne-affected areas.

- Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.

- Rinse it off with water.

- Turmeric and curd face pack clears your skin and gives you a healthy glow.

benefits of curd you didnt knew for your skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Curd lightens spots and pigmentation

The lactic acid in curd is a very efficient natural bleaching agent. It helps in shedding the dead cells from the skin which aids in lightening dark spots, pigmentation marks, blemishes, and sun tan.

How to use curd for pigmentation?

- Take one tablespoon of curd and apply it to the affected areas.

- You can also mix curd with gram flour, lemon juice, and honey to make a face pack.

- Gram Flour helps to exfoliate, cleanse, and brighten the skin.

- Apply the pack to your face and let it dry.

- Rinse it off with cold water.

- This face pack will brighten the skin and even out your skin tone.

benefits of curd you didnt knew for your skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Curd can tighten skin pores

Curd is rich in probiotics and lactic acid that helps in tightening the pores. Its exfoliating and moisturizing properties also help in keeping the pores under check. Curd further fights bad bacteria and keeps your skin healthy and acne-free.

How to use curd for tightening pores?

- Take a spoonful of curd and apply it to your face.

- You can also make a simple pack by mixing curd and egg white.

- Apply the pack evenly to your face and leave it for 15 minutes.

- Wash off with cool water.

benefits of curd you didnt knew for your skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Curd prevents premature aging

We already know that curd is super hydrating, but it is also an excellent product for reversing the signs of aging. The lactic acid present in curd is a naturally occurring alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA). AHA promotes skin cell renewal through the exfoliation of dead cells. It further aids in firming skin and reducing wrinkles.

How to use curd for delaying skin aging?

- Mix 3 tsp of curd with 1 tsp olive oil.

- Smooth the mixture over your face and neck.

- Keep it for 30 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

benefits of curd you didnt knew for your skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Curd Reduces Dark Circles

A curd mask can help fight dark circles and undereye puffiness in just 14 days. Rich in several nutrients, especially zinc and lactic acid, curd helps to remove dark circles to a great extent. It is rich in essential fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals that help nourish your skin from within.

How do use curd to reduce dark circles?

- Take a spoonful of curd in a bowl.

- Dip two cotton balls in the curd.

- Keep it on your eyes and leave it undisturbed for 10 to 15 minutes.

- Rinse with plain water.

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