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6 DIY Cleansers To Treat Acne Prone Skin

By: Kratika Tue, 28 Feb 2023 5:39:14

6 DIY Cleansers To Treat Acne Prone Skin

Store-bought cleansers and face wash are loaded with chemicals that only further aggravate your acne. Most acne-prone skin is oily, and oily skin requires extra care. Not only do you have to fight the dust and pollution, but you also have to deal with the excess sebum secretion in your skin. But since the first step to dealing with sebum production is cleansing, people with this skin type have to pay extra attention to what they put on their face. If you are tired of store-bought cleaners too, try these homemade cleansers for acne-prone skin.

diy cleansers to treat acne prone skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Tomato face wash

All you need to make this DIY cleanser for acne-prone skin is a little bit of tomato pulp and a dash of honey. Take some tomato pulp and honey in a bowl and mix well. Apply the mixture all over your face, gently massage for about a minute and wash it off. If you want some extra glow, keep it on your face for ten minutes, and voila!

diy cleansers to treat acne prone skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Lemon and honey face wash

Both lemon and honey combine together in this cleanser for acne-prone skin to give you clear skin. Since lemon has acidic content, it helps to balance pH level of your skin, which further controls the production of excess sebum on the skin. Lemon is also known to have astringent properties, so it can shrink your facial pores and prevent the growth of any bacteria. On the other hand, honey is known for its moisturising properties. This cleanser for acne-prone skin will not only deep cleanse your skin, but the honey will make sure your skin doesn’t dry up.

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# Honey and aloe vera face wash

Both honey and aloe vera are known to have soothing properties, which is great for acne-prone skin, as it tends to get irritated too soon. Since honey has antibacterial properties, it fights all sorts of bacterial growth on the face. This face wash deep cleans your skin from all the dirt and pollution. You can add a few drops of olive oil for some extra nourishment.

diy cleansers to treat acne prone skin,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Oil cleanser

Confused? Well, oil cleansers are great cleansing agents for all skin types without adding to any oil production in the skin. There are certain oil combinations that not only cleanse your face of any makeup but also remove all the sebum and dirt clogging your pores. Avoid coconut oil as it is comedogenic, so it can further clog your pores. You can use jojoba oil, evening primrose oil, or grapeseed oil for this.

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# Apple cider vinegar cleanser

Apple cider vinegar is known to balance the skin’s natural pH and absorbs excess sebum produced to keep acne at bay. This is a simple cleanser for acne-prone skin, where you mix one part ACV with three parts water and dab your face with a cotton ball dipped in the cleanser. ACV contains malic acid which is known to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and impurities from the skin’s surface.

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# Chamomile tea cleanser

Chamomile tea is known for its brightening and oil-controlling properties that can greatly benefit oily and acne-prone skin. It also helps to reverse and heal sun damage and is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, thus making it the ideal DIY cleanser for acne-prone skin. To make this cleanser, you need to mix a cup of castile soap with a cup of hot brewed chamomile tea and a few drops of tea tree oil. Use this to wash your face every day in order to see results.

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