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6 Natural Ways To Get Thick And Long Hair

By: Kratika Fri, 11 Nov 2022 3:14:33

6 Natural Ways To Get Thick and Long Hair

I remember the girl from high school with most gorgeous thick black hair. I vividly remember her hair, but I can’t for the life of me, recall her name. Funny how that works. Her hair was like a waterfall, perfect from root to tip. Silky smooth and so glossy, you would swear you could see your reflection in it. I had a serious case of hair envy. To be honest, I still do!

Do people like her ever have a bad hair day? Does she even know what a split end looks like?

Now you can be the envy of your friends! Get the thicker, longer hair you’ve always wanted! Dry hair, split ends, and dull hair read will be a distant memory. It’s not all genetics ladies – stay tuned for some serious tips to glam your locks!

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# Stop Overwashing

Wash your hair every other day. We have been brainwashed that we need to wash our hair every day. Our skin has natural oils that keep our skin soft and healthy. Our hair has the same delicate balance. Washing your hair every day dries out your hair and scalp. Aim to wash your hair every other day with a gentle shampoo. Look for a shampoo without sulfates, phthalates, parabens, or petrolatum.

People often report their hair gets greasy when switching to the every other day washing. Why? Our scalp produces extra oil to keep up with the oils that were stripped from everyday washing. It takes a little while for your hair to adjust. In this case, I would suggest a dry shampoo.

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# Avoid Heat

Switching to the every-other-day wash method already cuts styling down by 50% – Score!

Curling irons, flat irons, and hairdryers all dry out your hair and give you split ends. It is one of the most damaging things you can do to your hair. If you must use heat, find a shampoo or conditioner with jojoba oil in it – it will provide protection from the heat.

It’s best to let your hair air dry. I air dry most until it is just damp, then use a hair dryer to blow it out. The 2 minutes I blow-dry keeps my hair straight and gives it body. Most damage from heat is when your hair is really wet, so even partially air drying will help keep your hair healthy.

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# Be Careful When Selecting Conditioner

Conditioner weighs your hair down, making your hair limp and lifeless instead of full of volume. Silicone conditioners are especially bad for your hair. They strip your strands of vital nutrients.

Apple cider vinegar conditions your hair without weighing it down. It will make your hair shine! I was skeptical that apple cider vinegar worked as a conditioner. For more years than I care to admit. I finally tried it and was astonished. The brush easily passed through my hair!

natural ways to get thick and long hair,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Apply Hair Masks To The Rescue

Hair masks do a great job of conditioning and repairing damaged hair. I like to pick a specific day to do my hair mask, so I remember when I did it last. Or you could jot it down on your calendar.

Hair masks work best if you apply them to dry hair. Hair can be dirty but should not have hairspray or product build up. You will need to wash your hair to remove the hair mask, so coordinate according to your hair wash cycle.

Note: There are a few hair mask recipes to try at the end of this article. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. You can easily substitute a different ingredient or omit one.

natural ways to get thick and long hair,beauty tips,beauty hacks

# Drink Water

Healthy hair comes from the inside out. Hydration is essential for beautiful hair. Dehydration can dry out your hair follicles and make your skin look ashy. Think about a plant when it needs water. It gets wilted and tired looking. Your body reacts the same way.

To keep your hair strong and less prone to breaking, drink 8–10 glasses of water each day. Proper hydration will help grow healthy hair. An added advantage is you’ll get the glowing skin you want.

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# Eat Healthy Food

We are what we eat. If you eat a bunch of junk food, your skin and body will show it. For healthy, strong hair eat healthy, whole foods. Eat the rainbow of fruits and veggies to get all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. Silky smooth hair is made in the kitchen.

Essential Fatty Acids is vital to get the shiny hair you want, so make sure to eat avocados, fish, and nuts. B6 and B12 are important for hair health, so eat plenty of spinach, potatoes, and citrus fruits. Protein is essential for proper hair growth – make sure you are eating enough.

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