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6 Ways To Use Vitamin E Oil For Quick Hair Growth

By: Kratika Sun, 21 Aug 2022 6:36:05

6 Ways To Use Vitamin E Oil for Quick Hair Growth

Short hair is easy to maintain and looks stylish. But long, healthy hair has its own charm. Moreover, if you’ve sported short hair for a long time, there’s no harm in trying to change your look a little bit by growing your hair long. But sometimes, lack of hair growth makes us frustrated. Hair takes time to grow, but if you notice it’s taking unusually longer time, then it reflects lack of nourishment for your hair. Vitamins are important for hair growth, specially vitamin E. Along with adding few vitamin E rich foods to your daily diet, do include vitamin E in your hair care regime. Vitamin E oil works great for increasing hair growth. Continue reading this article to know about the benefits and use of vitamin E oil for hair.

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# Apply Vitamin E Oil for Hair Growth

Depending on your hair thickness and length, take few vitamin E capsules and prick them with a clean and dry needle.

Extract the oil from the capsules and collect it in a bowl. Alternatively, you can buy a bottle of vitamin E oil and use it for your hair.

Apply the vitamin E oil on to your scalp and gently massage for few minutes. Keep it on for 30-40 minutes and rinse off using a mild shampoo.

Reapply this simple remedy with vitamin E oil twice or thrice every week for hair growth.

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# Vitamin E Oil and Aloe Vera for Hair Growth

Take few vitamin E capsules and prick them with a clean and dry needle. Extract the oil from the capsules and collect it in a bowl. Alternatively, you can buy a bottle of vitamin E oil.

Take 2 tsp vitamin E oil and mix it with 1-2 tbsp pure aloe vera gel. Apply this all over your scalp and hair and massage thoroughly.

Wait for 30 minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo. Follow this DIY hair growth treatment with vitamin E oil and aloe vera twice per week.

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# Vitamin E Oil and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Take 2-3 medium sized onions and cut them into small pieces. Put them in a blender and prepare a puree. With a strainer or a cheesecloth, extract the juice from the onion puree.

Combine together 2-3 tbsp of onion juice and a tbsp vitamin E oil. You can prick vitamin E capsules and collect the oil or use a store bought vitamin E oil.

Massage your scalp with the resultant mixture. Leave it on for an hour and rinse off with a mild shampoo. Reapply this remedy with vitamin E oil and onion juice for hair growth twice per week.

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# Vitamin E Oil and Coconut Milk for Hair Growth

Mix together 2-3 tbsp coconut milk and a tbsp vitamin E oil. Apply the mixture all over your scalp and hair and let it sit for 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with a mild shampoo.

Follow this DIY hair growth treatment with vitamin E oil and coconut milk once or twice every week.

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# Vitamin E Oil and Green Tea for Hair Growth

Prepare a cup of green tea. Remove from the heat and let it reach room temperature. After that, add a tbsp vitamin E oil to 2-3 tbsp green tea.

Mix together and apply it on your scalp as well as length of the hair. Gently massage the scalp for few minutes and then, leave it on for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with a mild shampoo.

Reapply this remedy with vitamin E oil and green tea for hair growth once or twice in a week.

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# Vitamin E Oil and Potato Juice for Hair Growth

Take one potato and remove the skin. Cut the potato in to small pieces and put them in the blender to prepare a smooth potato puree.

With the help of a cheese cloth, extract the juice from the potato puree and collect it in a container.

Add 2 tbsp vitamin E oil to the potato juice and mix together. Massage it all over the scalp with your fingertips and wait for another 30 minutes before rinsing off with a gentle shampoo.

Reapply this remedy with vitamin E oil and potato juice for hair growth twice in a week.

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