8 Amazing Benefits Of Amla Powder For Hair
By: Kratika Maheshwari Fri, 15 July 2022 2:54:58
We all know that nature is kind to us, all the fruits and vegetables have immersive benefits one way or another. Either we use them to make delicious recipes or to make a DIY hair treatment - The mother earth always has given us some remarkable features in these small little gems.
One such fruit that is gaining a lot of attention is Amla. Rich in nutrients like Vitamin C and tannins – You can easily find Amla in a lot of hair and skincare products.
Owning to its richness let alone can be an essential part of your hair care rituals. So, if you’re impressed by far and want to know what other secrets it packs, in this post, we have shared some of the keen benefits of using amla powder for hair.
# Hair Growth
The minerals, phytonutrients, and vitamins present in amla leaves help to stimulate healthy hair growth. Vitamin C in particular improves collagen production that replaces dead cells from your hair follicles with new ones. This ultimately makes your hair shinier and increases volume.
# Natural Hair Conditioner
Amla is a great source of moisturization elements. If you're suffering from dry hair, Amla can help condition, nourish and strengthen your hair by controlling your natural hair oil production.
# Reduce Dandruff
Dry scalp is the root cause of dandruff that leads to a lot of hair-related problems. The Vitamin C present in Amla powder combined with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can stop dandruff and itching. You can use amla juice for this or add amla leaves powder in your regular hair care treatment.
# It Add Natural Shine
Now you don't have to use chemical-based shiners to add a bit of coloring to your hair. The surplus of Vitamin C present in Amla can help halt premature greying and enhance your natural hair color.
# Reduce graying of hair
Amla is a natural astringent, perfect to retain your hair color to its organic state. You can use amla powder as a whole or add it to your henna dye recipe for value-added results. By offering the right type of oxygen to your hair fibers, amla powder can put an end to graying hair.
# It thickens your hair
With its antioxidative properties and vibrant touch of amino acids, amla fights against all the hair weakening factors, leading to more shiny and thickening hair. After using it for time, you'll feel that your hair has more volume and shine in its natural state.