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9 Skin Care Tips Teenagers Can Follow

By: Pinki Tue, 12 Sept 2023 11:08:12

9 Skin Care Tips Teenagers Can Follow

Adolescence can be quite the rollercoaster, and it's no secret that many teenagers grapple with various skin issues during this period. That's precisely why it's essential to embrace some skincare guidance tailored to teenagers. Understanding what keeps your skin in tip-top shape and what might trigger breakouts is crucial. While we may not have all the answers to life's challenges, we can certainly empower you with the knowledge to master your skincare routine. To discover how to do just that, continue reading!

Before delving into skincare tips, it's important to first identify your skin type and then develop a customized plan based on that. Keep scrolling to delve into the specifics of determining your skin type.

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# Wash Your Face

The initial step upon waking in the morning is to cleanse your skin. Why is this necessary? It's because you want to remove the oil and sweat that have built up on your skin overnight. Avoid using soap; opt for a gentle cleanser instead. Be gentle during the cleansing process to prevent skin irritation and the subsequent increase in oil production.

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# Moisturize

Absolutely! Even challenging skin requires hydration. Select a lightweight skin cream that matches your skin type and tackles your specific concerns, such as acne or blemishes. If you're not a fan of a shiny finish, you can opt for matte-finish moisturizers, readily accessible in the market. For outdoor activities, consider using a tinted moisturizer.

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# Powder On Your Face? (No! Please!)

If you have oily skin that becomes shiny as the day goes on, attempting to conceal the shine with heavy layers of powder isn't the solution. Powder can clog your pores and result in an uneven, patchy appearance. The most effective approach is to use blotting paper or a tissue to soak up the excess oil and shine.

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# Stay Away From Scrubs

Avoid the use of abrasive scrubs, as they can potentially harm your skin, particularly if it's already irritated or sensitive. This includes pore strips as well. If you're wondering how to effectively address blackheads, a type of non-inflammatory acne lesion, the key is to adhere to a consistent cleansing routine. Look for a product that includes 2% salicylic acid , and consider consulting a dermatologist for personalized recommendations. If you're under the age of 16, always undertake such skincare routines under adult supervision.

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# Be Thrifty With Makeup

As long as you properly cleanse your skin at the end of the day, it's perfectly acceptable to wear a bit of makeup. If you're using makeup brushes, remember to clean them regularly. However, it's advisable to steer clear of heavy foundation, which may be too much for your sensitive skin. Instead, opt for a tinted moisturizer. Choose a shade that closely matches your skin tone, and the best way to determine this is by swatching it on your jawline (not your hand) to select the most suitable shade.

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# Don’t Try To Be Dr. Pimple Popper!

It can be tempting, even irresistible, but resist the urge to become your own "Dr. Pimple Popper" unless you want to risk scarring your face permanently. Instead, consider applying a diluted mixture of tea tree oil directly onto the pimple or acne. This can effectively clear the infection and eliminate any lingering bacteria. Additionally, you have the option of using a spot treatment cream to soothe the skin and address breakouts.

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# Drink Water (Plenty Of It!)

Water is essential for maintaining your skin's hydration and radiance, as highlighted in reference 5. Kickstart your day by enjoying a refreshing glass of cold or warm water. When you're heading to college, make sure to have a water bottle handy and sip on it consistently throughout the day.

If plain water seems unexciting, here's a fun way to make it more interesting. Infuse your water with a few slices of lemon, cucumber, and grapefruit by letting them steep overnight. Then, take your infused water bottle with you the next day and refill it as needed for a delightful twist on hydration.

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# Keep Your Hands Off Your Face

Avoid contact with anything that isn't clean and may potentially transfer bacteria to your face. This means refraining from touching your face with your hands. Additionally, ensure that you use clean and dry towels for patting your face dry. It's important to wash your makeup brushes on a weekly basis and steer clear of sharing makeup products and accessories with others to maintain good hygiene.

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# Check Your Diet

Acne and pimples are primarily influenced by hormones rather than being directly tied to your food or diet choices. Nevertheless, your skin requires essential nutrients to maintain its health. It's advisable to adhere to a nutritious diet plan that not only benefits your skin but also contributes to your overall well-being. Additionally, it's helpful to monitor your dietary intake to identify any potential food intolerances. Occasionally, specific foods can trigger skin issues, such as severe acne breakouts and eczema, with dairy products often being a common culprit. However, undergoing an allergy test is a good practice to rule out other potential triggers.

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