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9 Benefits Of Using Vitamin E For Skin And Hair

By: Pinki Wed, 17 Apr 2024 1:40:32

9 Benefits of Using Vitamin E for Skin and Hair

Vitamin E, a renowned fat-soluble vitamin, is celebrated for its multifaceted benefits on skin, hair, and overall health. From addressing skin issues to bolstering immunity, this essential nutrient plays a pivotal role in our daily well-being and is readily available in various dietary sources like sunflower seeds, spinach, kale, and almonds.

Found abundantly in almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, and vegetable oils, vitamin E exists in eight distinct forms and is crucial for maintaining bodily functions. Spinach and broccoli are also notable sources of this vital nutrient. According to the National Institute of Health, individuals over 14 years old require 15 milligrams of vitamin E daily.

A deficiency in vitamin E can manifest in various symptoms such as anemia, skeletal myopathy, ataxia, and nerve damage. In this article, we delve deeper into the significance of vitamin E, its dietary sources, recommended intake, and the implications of deficiency on health. Let's explore the indispensable role of vitamin E in nurturing a healthy body and vibrant well-being.

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# Acts As A Moisturizer

Vitamin E is heavier than water as it is a fat-soluble compound. It helps to restore dry and damaged skin and provides moisture to the skin. Add a few drops of vitamin E oil to your normal moisturizer or carrier oil and apply it on the body before bedtime. It will help you to retain moisture and will add a new life to the skin. Use this daily for better and long-lasting results.

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# Helps In Lightning Dark Spots

Vitamin E can be effectively used for lighting dark spots from the skin. Take a vitamin E capsule, break it and mix with your lotion or carrier oil. Apply it on dark spots daily to reduce them. Vitamin E is rich in antioxidants that fight against free radicles. They treat free radicle damage that can cause pigmentation of the skin.

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# It Acts As A Cleansing Agent

Wiping face with vitamin E using a cotton ball will help you to clean dirt, oil and other impurities from the skin and will regulate the oil balance of the skin. It is an effective emollient that clears the skin and keeps it healthy. Do this twice a day for better results.

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# Treats Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are commonly caused due to a sudden change in weight or pregnancy because of the stretching of the lower and upper layers of skin. Vitamin E helps you to reduce stretch marks significantly by maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Apply vitamin E on stretch marks gently with a circular motion for a few minutes. Do this regularly to easily fade the stretch marks

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# Helps In Treating Sunburns

Take a few drops of vitamin E oil and apply it gently over the burnt area. Antioxidants present in vitamin E will treat the effects of free radicles caused due to sun rays and also soothe and heal the area really fast.

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# Benefits Of Vitamin E For Hair Growth

Vitamin E promotes healthy hair growth and also repairs damaged hair. Take a vitamin E capsule and break it. Mix It with warm coconut or olive oil and massage this mixture on scalp and hair for a few minutes. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse hair with warm water. Antioxidants present in vitamin E oil improves the blood circulation to each part of the body and strengthen hair with healthy hair growth.

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# Adds Shine To Hair

Using vitamin E regularly reduces hair damage and provides shine to the hair. Massage your hair with vitamin E oil regularly to make them lustrous. Vitamins E brings back the protective layer of cuticle that gets removed and makes your hair shinier than before. It also manages dull and frizzy hair and makes them convenient and beautiful.

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# Helps In Repairing Split Ends

Split ends and other hair damage are caused due to drying, colouring and curling of hair. Here is how to use vitamin E for treating split ends. Add 3 ounce (1 counce is about 30mL) olive oil, 3-ounce hemp oil, 3-ounce jojoba oil, 3-ounce coconut oil, 2-ounce vitamin E oil in a bowl and mix them well. Use this mixture as a sealant or hot oil to treat split ends. Vitamin E oil heals the cuticles of the hair and reduces hair breakage.

# Regulates Oil Production

Vitamin E creates a layer outside the skin surface to capture moisture in it. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to dry and itchy skin. Vitamin E oil and other oils containing vitamin E maintain the oil balance and keep the scalp moisturized, preventing excess oil production.

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