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8 Ways To Reduce Hair Fall At Home

By: Pinki Tue, 10 Oct 2023 7:48:42

8 Ways To Reduce Hair Fall at Home

If you're looking to effectively address hair loss and ensure it doesn't recur or worsen, you've found the right resource. Nevertheless, it's crucial to understand that shedding 50-100 hair strands daily is considered normal. Hair loss beyond this range may indicate an underlying health concern. Factors such as dietary choices, environmental stressors, lifestyle, and pollution can all contribute to hair fall. In this article, we've compiled 10 valuable tips to help you manage hair loss. Keep reading for more information!

If you're interested in learning how to minimize hair loss, begin by ensuring proper scalp care. Here's a guide to home remedies you can follow on a weekly or monthly basis to enhance the strength and health of your hair.

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# Hair Oil Scalp Massage

Applying coconut oil, argan oil, peppermint oil, and castor oil through a gentle scalp massage can be beneficial in reducing hair loss and promoting hair growth. You can also opt for a hot oil treatment by warming the oil. This treatment penetrates deeply into the scalp's inner layers, rejuvenating hair follicles and fortifying hair from the roots.

Engage in a 20-minute circular scalp massage, and aim to do this at least twice a week.

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# Homemade Hair Masks

You've likely heard numerous hair experts discuss ways to prevent hair loss using various hair masks. This is because when tailored to your specific hair needs, hair masks can produce remarkable results. Following a scalp massage, you can apply a homemade hair mask to nurture, calm, and revitalize your hair roots. Depending on your convenience, you can do this once or twice a week. Here are some DIY hair mask ideas:

- Green Tea And Egg Hair Mask: Green tea contains EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), which can stimulate hair growth. Eggs are a well-known ingredient in hair care, as they provide essential nutrients for healthy growth. Combine 2 tablespoons of freshly brewed green tea with 1-2 egg yolks, mixing them thoroughly. Apply the mask from the roots to the tips for strong, thick, healthy, and glossy hair.

- Onion Hair Mask: Onions contain valuable nutrients for hair regrowth, such as folic acid, vitamins B, C, and E, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and carotene. Onion juice can promote hair regrowth in individuals experiencing patchy hair loss. Create an onion mask by grating a whole onion and extracting the juice. Use cotton to apply the onion juice to your scalp and leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing.

- Aloe Vera Hair Mask: Aloe vera possesses hydrating properties that nourish the roots and soften the hair shaft, resulting in smoother hair that is less prone to breakage. Mix 2 tablespoons of mashed aloe vera gel with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply this mixture to your scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it off.

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# Use A Gentle Shampoo

Following an oil massage or application of a hair mask, cleanse your hair with a mild herbal or medicated shampoo. This practice can effectively minimize dandruff and excessive oiliness.

When shampooing, gently massage your scalp using circular motions with your fingertips. Treat your hair strands with a scrunching or squeezing motion rather than rubbing them vigorously. Additionally, aim to shampoo your hair twice a week to thoroughly remove any accumulated dirt or product residue.

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# Apply A Conditioner

Following shampooing, utilize a moisturizing and nourishing conditioner, applying it exclusively to your hair strands and avoiding the scalp. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing. This should be done each time you wash your hair.

Additionally, once a week, you can indulge in a deep conditioning homemade hair mask. Combine honey and milk, then generously apply the mixture to your hair, wearing a shower cap to shield your hair. After 20 minutes, wash your hair using a gentle shampoo and complete the process with conditioner.

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# Gently Dry With A Towel

Upon washing your hair, employ a gentle towel to wrap your hair and allow it to naturally absorb the surplus moisture. Refrain from vigorously rubbing your hair strands together for drying.

Instead, use a scrunching motion to delicately dry your hair without causing harm to the roots or shafts. If you're pressed for time, you can opt for a hair dryer set to moderate heat. However, it's essential to avoid excessive use of blow dryers whenever possible.

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# Use A Wooden Comb

Once your hair is completely dry, utilize a wide-toothed wooden comb to carefully untangle any knots and minimize hair loss attributed to static electricity, which is often associated with plastic combs. Additionally, refrain from brushing wet hair, as the hair roots are tender and vulnerable to breakage. If you encounter tangles, comb from the ends upward for a gentler approach.

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# Trim Your Hair

Hair that is dry, fragile, and has split ends is more susceptible to breakage. To maintain its health, consider trimming your hair every 3-4 months, whether at home or in a salon. Before the trim, make sure to shampoo your hair, apply conditioner, and rinse thoroughly. Conclude the process by applying a lightweight oil or a hair serum for added nourishment and protection.

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# Avoid Too Much Styling

Steer clear of excessive processing and styling. Frequent use of heat styling tools and harsh chemicals for straightening, perming, coloring, or bleaching your hair can result in dryness, brittleness, and weakened hair follicles.

If you desire curls, opt for rollers or explore do-it-yourself methods available on platforms like YouTube. Additionally, consider herbal options for covering grays. Natural alternatives like henna and beetroot can be beneficial for hair coloring.

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