5 Least Known Facts About Jurassic Park, You Didn't Knew

By: Pinki Wed, 12 July 2017 9:16:26

5 Least Known facts About Jurassic Park, You Didn't Knew

However well-known the movie might be, there are still some bits of it you might not be aware of and you might be the biggest ‘Jurassic Park’ connoisseur there is. Here we present to you 5 least popular facts about Jurassic Park that will blow your mind.

5 least known facts about jurassic park,you did not know,jurassic park movie,untold facts about jurassic park

1. According to NASA, Jurassic Park (1993) is the 7th most scientifically accurate film.

2. In the scene where the T-Rex breaks into the Ford Explorer in the movie, the screams were real; the glass was not supposed to break.

3. The T-Rex’s roar in Jurassic Park combines the sounds of a baby elephant, a tiger, and an alligator, and its breath is the sound of a whale’s blow.

4. It took 6 hours to capture one frame of the rain-soaked T-Rex in Jurassic Park.

5. The velociraptor’s most terrifying sound is a combination of the sounds of a dolphin and a walrus.

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