10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

By: Pinki Wed, 29 June 2022 7:20:42

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a variety of squash that is native to North America. While most of us have a favorite pumpkin pie recipe that we pull out during the fall and winter holidays, this versatile bright orange vegetable isn't limited to dessert. It can also be used to make smoothies, baked goods, soups, salads, and more. Pumpkin's rich nutritional stores make it a healthful food to consume year-round.

Not only is fall's signature squash versatile enough to fit into all the above and more, it also packs some powerful healthy perks like keeping heart health, vision and waistlines in check, as long as you take it easy on the pie, that is.

There a bunch of different ways that you can reap pumpkin health benefits. You can make with pie and other bakery with it, you can eat the seeds, put the fruit of the squash into soups, you can just eat it plain or with a bit of sugar and cinnamon.

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# Anti-Cancer

Pumpkins can beat out the free radicals that can lead to cancer. The antioxidant that pumpkin has is called beta-carotene. Beta-carotene can also be found in carrots and yams.

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# Eyesight

Vitamin A is amazing for keeping eyes healthy and strong. A cup of pumpkin, when mashed and cooked, has over 200 percent of the amount of vitamin A you are suggested to have in a day. Pumpkins have components that can also be changed into vitamin A to further help the eyes.

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# Weight Loss

Pumpkin is a better source of fiber than some might think. In a single cup of pumpkin, there are three grams of fiber and 49 calories. More fiber means that your body holds onto the nutrients from food better and for a long time while helping your body to get rid of waste

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# Anti-aging

You remember the free radicals that cause cancer? They can also cause issues with the skin; whether it is faster signs of aging or blemishes. There is something in pumpkin called carotenoids stop free radicals and slow signs of aging.

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# Immune System

One of the great pumpkin health benefits is that it can help to boost the immune system. Vitamin C is really good for fighting off colds and other illnesses. You can get 11 milligrams (20 percent of the suggested amount) of vitamin C from one cooked cup of pumpkin.

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# Lower Blood Pressure

Pumpkins have fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, all of which have been shown to help keep the heart strong and healthy. The potassium is good for lowering blood pressure and lower blood pressure means a smaller chance of having a stroke.

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# Lower Cholesterol Levels

The antioxidants that keep coming up are also amazing for lowering bad cholesterol (called LDL) from oxidizing. Cholesterol oxidizing is terrible for you because it jacks up your chances of suffering from heart disease because if rests vessels.

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# Better Sleep

Did you know that there is that stereotype of getting sleepy after the big Thanksgiving meals? There is some truth to that, and it is not only because of the turkey. Pumpkin also has a lot of tryptophan, and your body changes the tryptophan into what is called serotonin.

Serotonin is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain that can make you tired and relaxed. So you have trouble sleeping, try eating a serving of cooked pumpkin about an hour before bed and see if helps to sleep better.

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# Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is what causes pain in injuries, menstrual cramps, it can increase sinus pressure during a cold or flu. Pumpkin has three different anti-inflammatories that can do amazing things for keeping inflammation down. With less inflammation, there is a chance that people with rheumatoid arthritis will suffer less.

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# Improve Liver Health

Keeping the liver healthy is very important because the liver helps to keep us healthy. Return the favor if you can. One you can return the favor is by eating pumpkin. Pumpkin has carotenoids which assist the body in detoxing the liver and helping to build healthier liver tissues.

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