4 Ways To Reduce Hip Fat With Yoga

By: Sandeep Thu, 23 Nov 2017 12:50:54

4 Ways To Reduce Hip Fat With Yoga

With so many fitness trends and fads out there, it has become extremely difficult to settle with one and be content. We hardly stick to something and then we are distracted by some other achieve-your-dream-body-in-so-many-days trend. But how do we know which ones actually work and which ones are just fads? Well, the best way to achieve your fitness target is to stick to traditional and age-old methods.

One such way, of course, is Yoga. Our sedentary and lack-of-exercise lifestyle leads to fat accumulation, particularly in hips and thighs. And these are the areas where the fat reduction is the most difficult. However, if you routinely stick to the below-mentioned Yoga exercises and maintain a healthy diet, you are sure to achieve your body goals.

reduce hip fat with yoga,yoga poses for hip fat,tips to reduce hip fat,fitness tips,healthy living,Health tips

* Utkatasana

Stand erect. Imagine you are sitting in an imaginary chair and fold in your knees in that position. Inhale deeply and extend your hands in a namaste position over your head. Hold this position for as long as you can without overly straining your knee and calf muscles. (Basically, if you have seen Hum Saath Saath Hain movie, then it’s the same position in which the third lead couple sits around a table, the only difference is the position of the arms).

reduce hip fat with yoga,yoga poses for hip fat,tips to reduce hip fat,fitness tips,healthy living,Health tips

* Virabhadrasana II

Stand erect. Spread your legs as much as you comfortably can (a little more than hip-width apart). Now, twist your left heel with the toes pointing away on the outside and bend the left knee along. Use your right heel to maintain balance and stay grounded. Lower your hips and spread out your hands so that they are in line with your shoulders. Turn your face towards your left side and focus your gaze forward. Hold this position smartly and with integrity while keeping your breathing slow and steady. Come back to original position and repeat with the right leg.

reduce hip fat with yoga,yoga poses for hip fat,tips to reduce hip fat,fitness tips,healthy living,Health tips

* Badda Konasana

Sit erect on a mat with your legs stretched out in front of you. Next, fold your knees and bring in your feet to the center and join them. Hold your feet in this position with your palms. Keep your back straight. Try pushing your knees to the ground as much as you can and hold this position. Hold this asana for as long as you are comfortable without exerting too much pressure and then release and repeat.

reduce hip fat with yoga,yoga poses for hip fat,tips to reduce hip fat,fitness tips,healthy living,Health tips

* Malasana

This is probably the easiest asana out of all the above mentioned. You basically have to squat on the floor. To do this, bring in your feet together and squat on the floor, making sure to keep your buttocks off the floor. Bring your palms together at the center and join in a Namaste pose. Rest your elbows at the sides of your knees and push the knees as far as possible with your knees. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat.

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