5 Benefits Of Drinking Karela Juice Regularly

By: Pinki Tue, 25 Feb 2020 2:06:13

5 Benefits of Drinking Karela Juice Regularly

Most of us find the bitter-pungent taste of karela extremely tasty and love to eat it every other day. But some of us find the bitterness unpalatable but manage to force-feed ourselves knowing it does a lot of good to the body. There are lots of recipes with karela or bitter gourd – bitter gourd curry, karela fry, karela chips, etc but the healthiest of all is consuming fresh karela juice. Bitter melon juice or karela juice has become one of the top health drinks these days due to its extensive health benefits. Let us understand more about karela juice benefits for a healthy body.

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- Diabetes

Bitter gourd is a very effective alternative treatment for diabetes. It contains compounds that mimic the properties of insulin and control blood glucose levels. Karela contains polypeptide-P, charantin and vicine that not only show antidiabetic properties but are identified as very efficient hypoglycemic agents.Polypeptide-P is also called plant-based insulin as it functions just like the insulin hormone. It aids in the absorption of glucose by the cells. Charantin and vicine are found to decrease the absorption of glucose and lower blood glucose levels. Studies show excellent results for karela in reversing diabetes.

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- Weight Loss

Bitter gourd is very low in calories but rich in soluble fibres which flush out toxins and other wastes from the body that contribute to fat build-up. The antioxidants in bitter gourd eliminate the free radicals that cause weight gain. Karela increases metabolism and prevents the formation of fat storage cells. All these functions help reduce the fat content in the body considerably.

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- Liver Health

Bitter melon is high in properties that help protect liver health. Wrong lifestyle and food are top contributors to liver damage. Karela is very effective in preventing fatty liver condition and reducing the deposit of alcohol in the liver. It is also a very good cure for a hangover. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help prevent cell damage and oxidative damage of liver cells.

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- Cancer

Bitter melon has shown successful results in curing various types of cancer. It contains very powerful compounds that kill various cancer cells. It has shown to inhibit the growth and spread of a few cancers like liver cancer, breast cancer etc. Indian herbal medicine uses all components of the bitter gourd plant in preparing remedies for cancer. Karela has been successful in treating colon cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, lung, cancer, nasopharynx cancer, cervical cancer and blood cancer.

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- Promotes Digestion

Karela is a very good remedy for improving digestion. It kills intestinal worms and greatly supports in maintaining intestinal health. It also enhances nutrient absorption. It activates the liver and increases the secretion of digestive juices, thereby improving the digestive process significantly.

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