5 Best Food To Treat Period Carvings

By: Pinki Fri, 28 July 2017 4:34:38

5 Best Food to Treat Period Carvings

The worst problem every female goes through is Menstrual cycle, that too every month. Some can start menstruating as early as 11 years old and some might hit menopause as late as 60 years old. Some have longer cycles than the 28-day average, while others have much shorter. Despite these differences, we all share in the misery of our monthly companion to some degree or another.

Health tips,healthy living,5 best food to treat period carvings,food best for periods,food to lower period pains

# Water

Your body is retaining water because it’s afraid of not getting enough. So, if you give it what it needs (more water) it will release the water it’s holding onto. Also, our bodies are losing copious amounts of liquids (or so it feels), so replenishing ourselves with pure water is our best bet; not to mention, water promotes regular and smooth bowel movements, which helps reduce stagnation in the abdominal area – a common concern before and during menstruation.

Health tips,healthy living,5 best food to treat period carvings,food best for periods,food to lower period pains

# Fruit

Sugar cravings are especially common during this time so it’s important we go for the right kinds of sugar and avoid the overly-processed sweets we often turn to. “Fruits, vegetables and whole foods are your friends always, but especially during menstruation. The fruit from sugar may help alleviate sugar cravings,” explains health and fitness consultant Tari Rose.

Health tips,healthy living,5 best food to treat period carvings,food best for periods,food to lower period pains

# Nuts & Seeds

The little guys are energy-dense little fuel sources, packed with concentrated protein, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients unique to the specific varieties.

Health tips,healthy living,5 best food to treat period carvings,food best for periods,food to lower period pains

# Tea

Cold and raw foods can be difficult for our bodies to digest, and warmth at this time serves our bodies tremendously. Herbal teas are the best to go for because caffeine can worsen cramps and PMS significantly.

Health tips,healthy living,5 best food to treat period carvings,food best for periods,food to lower period pains

# Dark Chocolate

It’s important that you consume either raw organic cacao powder or organic plain cocoa so your body can readily digest the proper nutrients — nutrients which milk chocolate cannot provide. Dairy is highly inflammatory and promotes unhealthy hormone levels, and chocolates with dairy often contain excess sugar as well.

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