5 Effective Ways To Fight Obesity At Home

By: Kratika Wed, 30 Mar 2022 10:39:11

5 Effective Ways To Fight Obesity at Home

Obesity is one of the important problems in today’s world. There are lifestyle issues that are leading to obesity in this modern age. An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the main reasons for weight gain. Fast-food habits, sitting jobs, no outdoor activities, smartphone obsession are the main part of today’s unhealthy lifestyle.

The internet is full of tips and tricks for weight loss. Every other blogger is writing about the ways to lose weight or giving you a diet chart to lose weight. Some of them are genuine but most of them are fake. I know what you are thinking, “you are also doing the same thing.” But I am listing here the proven way to lose weight. Every method listed here is tested by me.

ways to fight obesity,Health tips,fitness tips,weight loss tips

# Drinking filtered water

Water is the key ingredient and must to lose weight. Water acts as a suppressant for keeping your stomach full, while it hydrates the body which increases metabolism. Flushing out of water clears the kidney and helps to break fat. Always drink lukewarm or warm water. It increases the process of losing weight, as the calories burn in lowering the water temperature to the body temperature.

Don’t drink water above your capacity. Just drink to hydrate your body. Lukewarm water does wonders if you have a glass 30 mins before and after each meal. This also helps in lowering the quantity of your food on your plate.

ways to fight obesity,Health tips,fitness tips,weight loss tips

# Lukewarm Honey and lemon water

It’s good to start your day with a glass of warm water. Here is an addition to increase your weight loss process, by replacing normal water with honey and lemon lukewarm water. You can consume this honey lemon water which flushes out the fats. It helps you to fasten the process of weight loss by reducing the fat content in the body.

ways to fight obesity,Health tips,fitness tips,weight loss tips

# Detox Water

Detox water helps in releasing the toxins of the body which increases the metabolism and helps in weight loss. Take a jug of water and add slices of cucumber, lemon, and cinnamon stick in it. Leave it overnight and drink this first in the morning. You can also replace your normal water with detox water if you want.

ways to fight obesity,Health tips,fitness tips,weight loss tips

# Green tea

Green tea is a fat burner drink. The powerful antioxidants present in green tea help your body to burn out fat easily. You can have 3 to 4 cups of green tea on a regular basis. Green tea is packed with vitamin C, zinc, selenium, and traces of minerals.

Lemon green tea is also preferable if you want a little taste in your green tea. I always keep lemon green tea bags on my office desk. Just take a cup of hot water and dip the teabag. Your green tea is ready without any extra effort.

Green tea can also help you on your cheat day. Do take a cup of green tea with your pizza or burger. The flavonoids and caffeine present in green tea can help in losing weight by promoting metabolic rate and increasing fat oxidation.

ways to fight obesity,Health tips,fitness tips,weight loss tips

# Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper helps to lose weight and aids in controlling obesity. It contains an ingredient named capsaicin which stimulates your metabolism and increases your energy loss. It also helps in digestion and suppresses the appetite.

Blood sugar levels have an impact on the body weight. Cayenne pepper helps to keep that in check and controls the levels. Hence, the sugar levels need to be balanced to have a proportionate appetite.

You can consume cayenne pepper in several ways:

- use it to make tea and drink cayenne pepper tea regularly or
- mix it in warm water with lemon and honey, or
- generously add cayenne pepper in your meals with ginger and other spices.

Include cayenne pepper in your diet plan for weight loss and feel the difference faster.

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