5 Exercises To Help You Strengthen Your Core

By: Pinki Wed, 12 Sept 2018 09:44:34

5 Exercises To Help You Strengthen Your Core

Everyone is struggling to keep a balance between work-life and personal life and, even in that, is trying his/her best to take out time for health and fitness. You may love jogging in the wee hours of the morning, or plug-in indoor treadmill or the electric cycle and sweat until your tee is completely soaked. But often we forget certain exercises that strengthen our core. Strengthening of our core (meaning, the internal muscles, and joints of your mid-section) is nothing but boosting your stamina and readying yourself for sprint! Here are five such exercises that will help you strengthen your core.

* Squats

They give a good wear and tear, as well as toning, of your thigh muscles. You get an amazing stamina boost. This exercise promotes body-wide muscle-building. Studies say that squats also help you improve blood circulation.

* Plank

Plank looks very easy but it needs amazing concentration and right breathing too to hold that pose longer for effective results. It is said that plank not only helps our physic but also our psyche as it is mandatory to concentrate on breathing for an effective plank. It enhances bone and joints’ health and strengthens the core.

exercises,exercises to strengthen core,fitness exercises,fitness tips,Health tips

* Crunches

The results of crunches, when done right, are boon to your core. Even though this exercise burns a lesser amount of calories than the other exercises, the movements done in this exercise is in a controlled manner – flexing and releasing the core and abdomen muscles in the best manner. Thus, it not only strengthens your core but also boost your stamina and flexibility.

* Hanging Leg-Raise

Said to be one of the best way to develop abdomen and core muscles, the hanging leg-raise exercise can be called as full-body crunches. It not only works best on your abdomen muscles (like normal crunches) but also works best on your thigh and Kegel muscles, thus, strengthening your core.

* Air Cycle

While doing the cycle-motion with your legs, you control and release your thigh, knee and Kegel muscles. This instantly works for the betterment of your core muscles. The continuous contractions and expansions of these muscles also improve abdominal muscle strength and endurance.

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