5 Exercising Tips For Men Over 40

By: Sandeep Mon, 04 Dec 2017 12:00:34

5 Exercising Tips For Men Over 40

Struggling to get back in shape? Want to have stronger bones and greater energy? If so, it’s time to hit the gym! There are plenty of men over 40 who wish to achieve a lean physique and enjoy better health. A balanced workout program can lower your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and insulin resistance. Not to mention that it’s a great way to keep fit!

* Challenge Yourself Each Time

Each time you work out the resistance needs to be challenging. If you are not fatigued at the end of each set you are not challenging the muscles. Volume training will create the biggest impact on your muscles. A volume training example would be, 6-10 sets of 10 repetitions at a heavy enough weight to cause fatigue by repetition number 7 of each set.

* Total Body Workouts

Let’s face it, as middle aged men time is limited. To maximize results, and not have to live in the gym, perform total body workouts, at least 3-4 days of the week.

Cardio should also be performed 3-4 times a week, which does not have to be performed in the gym.

exercising tips for men over 40,fitness tips for mens,fitness tips,healthy living,Health tips,exercising tips for men

* Train Smart, Plan Everything

Random training yields little or no results. Before hitting the gym, decide what exercises you’re going to do (remember to have alternatives if the gym is busy) and how many reps and sets you’ll complete.

* Keep Cardio To A Minimum

Keep your sessions between 30-45 minutes a session.

* Stretch Daily

In addition to your gym workouts you will need to stretch daily. Stretching will keep you from tearing muscles, joints and tendons. Perform dynamic stretches prior to your workout and static stretches after.

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