5 Foods That Strengthen Your Bones

By: Sandeep Thu, 07 Dec 2017 11:14:34

5 Foods That Strengthen Your Bones

Bones are the most important part of the body. The stronger the bones, the more healthy you will be. But due to lack of proper diet, the bones become weak. Nowadays it is seen that children who go to school and do not like to drink milk at all, due to which their bones can be badly damaged in the future. That's why every parent wants to give milk to any of their children with any excuse. To avoid this problem, your diet should contain calcium-rich nuts, milk, green vegetables and vitamin D. By including this regularly in the diet, you can prevent bones from being weakened. Let's know about such a diet.

* Fruits and vegetables

Recent research has shown that there is a direct link between bone health and consumption of fruits. Bones are strong with fruit decontrol intake. Fiber present in fruits and vegetables is very important for calcium retention. Green leafy vegetables contain vitamins. Together with calcium, vitamins contribute to keeping the bones strong and healthy.

food for strong bones,strong bones tips,Health tips,fitness tips,healthy living

* Vitamin D

Make sure to include calcium as well as diet containing Vitamin D in your diet to strengthen bones. Most vitamin D is found in egg yolk. Also sit in the sunlight for a while because our body receives vitamin D even from sunlight.

* Milk

Milk is a good source of calcium. Its consumption strengthens the bones. Regularly milking twice a day you get protein with calcium. Apart from calcium in milk, there is abundant protein, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, D, B12 and riboflavin.

* Jaggery

Using jaggery keeps our body fertile. The properties of phosphorus and calcium found in it help in strengthening the body. In a cup of jaggery regularly taken 80 mg Plenty of calcium can be found.

* Soybean

You may be unaware of the elements found in these diets used in daily form, but they are used in abundance in everyone's home. Do you know that by using one cup soybean you get 200 mg Calcium is achieved.

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