5 Harmful Effects Of Eating Too Many Carrots

By: Kratika Sun, 12 Feb 2023 5:52:49

5 Harmful Effects of Eating Too Many Carrots

Carrot is a root vegetable of the biennial plant in the umbellifer family, Apiaceae. Red carrots and orange carrots are two popular varieties of carrots, but other varieties such as white carrots and purple carrots are also available. They are native to Europe and Southwestern Asia but are now grown in many parts of the world. They are loaded with essential nutrients and provide many health and beauty benefits. However, there are also some side effects of eating too many carrots.

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# May Cause Carotenemia

Beta-carotene (carotenoid) in carrots protects the eyes from free radical damage and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Our liver converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, an essential nutrient for the eyes as it improves vision, prevents dryness of the eyes, and reduces the risk of night blindness.

However, eating too many carrots increases the beta-carotene level in our bodies, and may cause carotenemia.

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# May Cause Digestive Problems

Carrots improve our digestive health as vitamin A and other antioxidantal compounds in carrots protect our digestive system from free radical damage. It reduces the risk of colorectal cancer, abdominal cancer, intestinal cancer, and pancreatic cancer, etc.

Dietary fibers in carrots are natural laxatives that relieve constipation and other digestive problems like abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and flatulence, etc.

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# May Cause Malabsorption

Eating carrots provide several micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and macronutrients (carbohydrates and protein) to keep us healthy.

However, overeating carrots is bad as too much fiber reduces our body’s ability to absorb these nutrients from the food. It leads to malabsorption and increases the risk of nutritional deficiency.

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# Carrots And High Blood Pressure

One cup of grated carrots contains 352 mg of potassium.Potassium relaxes our blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and regulates hypertension or high blood pressure.

Eat carrots in moderation as otherwise, a high level of potassium in the body may drop blood pressure below the recommended level, and cause symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, nausea, dehydration, lack of concentration, blurred vision, and pale skin, etc.

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# May Contain High Level of Pesticides

Before eating carrots thoroughly wash them under running water as their skin is often highly exposed to pesticides.As per the United States Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Data Program, carrots may be exposed to about 26 pesticides that may harm our health in different ways.

These pesticides may increase the risk of cancer, hormonal imbalance, cognitive problems, and reproductive problems.

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