5 Herbs That Will Help You Treat Insomnia Naturally

By: Kratika Mon, 23 Jan 2023 12:16:42

5 Herbs That Will Help You Treat Insomnia Naturally

Insomnia is more than the incapability to sleep. It is a disorder where an individual experiences trouble falling or staying asleep, which makes it difficult for them to become satisfied with the amount of sleep they receive. The other symptoms that accompany insomnia are; tiredness, loss of energy, losing the ability to concentrate, mood swings, and decrease in the performance at work, school, etc. Insomnia can be classified into two categories- Acute insomnia and chronic insomnia.

In Acute insomnia, the duration of the disorder is very short. It occurs because of stressful life events, such as, exams, interview, receiving bad news, etc. In Chronic insomnia, the patient goes through motions of interrupted sleep at least three nights in a row. And, this can last for about 3 months. The causes of Chronic insomnia can be; a big change in the immediate environment, unhealthy habits, working rotational shifts, certain medication, and other disorders. People suffering from chronic insomnia must seek medical treatment to eliminate the disorder. However, a few home remedies and Ayurvedic medicine for anxiety can also help prevent the same.

herbs that will help you treat insomnia naturally,healthy living,Health tips

# Chamomile

This is a safe herb, which can be used both by children and adults. The sedative-like quality present in this herb not only helps treat insomnia, but it also helps reduce the stress and feel calm. Today, you can easily buy the chamomile tea, which has medicinal properties and tastes delicious. The aroma emitted by the tea has the power to soothe your senses. You can also use chamomile oil for a bath and relax for a while.

herbs that will help you treat insomnia naturally,healthy living,Health tips

# Hops

Hop is an ingredient found in beer. This herb helps prevent stress and anxiety, promoting sleepiness. It is said that the Eclectic physicians in 1900 have used hops to treat insomnia for its sedative properties.

herbs that will help you treat insomnia naturally,healthy living,Health tips

# Lavender

The Lavender essential oil not only produces an aromatic fragrance that calms one’s senses, but it can also treat insomnia. Lavender is said to be a gentle tonic, which can help strengthen one’s nervous system. How to use the lavender oil? You can put a few drops on your pillow, in your bath, to your moisturizer, or even inhale it as it is. Today, lavender tea is also available in the market, which helps alleviate insomnia.

herbs that will help you treat insomnia naturally,healthy living,Health tips

# Passion Flower

Passionflower is known to be an essential herb when it comes to treating insomnia. It can also help prevent the nervous exhaustion, stress, etc. It is said to be an excellent sedative with no side-effects. And, can be used by both adults and children.

herbs that will help you treat insomnia naturally,healthy living,Health tips

# St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is a yellow-weedy herb, which has become a strong part of the modern herbal therapy. Originated in Europe, this herb has been used for centuries, since the Greek times. It is so powerful that it can also help prevent chronic insomnia and mild depression. However, this herb is said to sensitize the skin. Hence, it is important to avoid sunlight after the dosage. You can find this in the form of capsules, powdered extract, tincture, etc.

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