5 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Sore Throat During Pregnancy

By: Pinki Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:27:07

5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sore Throat During Pregnancy

A sore throat is an inflammation of the throat that is mostly caused by viral infections (cold and flu) and sometimes bacterial infections. Risk factors include acid reflux, allergies (dust and pollen), muscle strain in the throat, exposure to chemicals or pollutants, and sinusitis. Pregnancy comes with its own set of ups and downs, and dealing with sore throat is just one of them.

* Salt Water Gargle

Gargling with warm salt water is one of the safest home remedies that you can try for sore throat during pregnancy. It can help clear your throat of irritants and loosen the mucus and thus soothe your sore throat.

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* Steam Inhalation

Steam inhalation moistens the mucous membrane and offers quick relief from sore throat. It also lets you breathe easily and helps you sleep comfortably, which is important for faster recovery.

* Ginger

For sore throat caused by acid reflux, ginger is a good remedy.In fact, ginger is a natural aid to relieve acidity during pregnancy. The active components in ginger, such as volatile oils and phenolic compounds, help neutralize the stomach acids.

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* Homemade Chicken Soup

Eating something warm, such as homemade chicken soup, soothes a sore throat.Homemade chicken soup is rich in anti-inflammatory properties as well as vitamins and minerals that help fight the infection that is causing the sore throat. In addition, the nutrients provided by chicken soup improve the body’s immunity, which prevents contagions from entering and harming the body.

* Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is another very effective remedy for sore throat during pregnancy.Apple cider vinegar alkalizes the body, and most viruses cannot thrive in alkaline environments. It also contains good bacteria that help fight off infections.

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