5 Instant Remedies To Treat Mosquito Bite

By: Pinki Sun, 15 Dec 2019 12:21:38

5 Instant Remedies To Treat Mosquito Bite

Mosquitoes survive by feeding on human and animal blood. They use their thin, sharp and elongated mouthpart to puncture the skin of the host and suck up the blood.

Because the puncture is so small, we often don’t feel the bite when it happens. But the after effects can be very annoying and potentially harmful.

* Lemon

- Simply cut a lemon into two pieces and rub the inside of one of the halves against your itchy skin for quick relief. You can try rubbing the yellow rind of the lemon over your skin too.

- Apply lemon juice to the bites to help reduce the chance of developing an infection.

- Another option is to add crushed basil leaves to lemon juice and apply the mixture onto the affected area.

remedies to treat mosquito bite,instant remedies,mosquito bite,Health tips,fitness tips,home remedies

* Minced Onion or Garlic

- Apply minced onion or garlic directly onto the affected area.

- Leave it on for a few minutes, then wash it off.

* Baking Soda

- Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Dip a clean cloth into the mixture and put the cloth over the affected skin area for 10 to 20 minutes.

- Another option is to make a paste using witch hazel and baking soda. Apply it onto the bite and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Then wash the area with lukewarm water.

remedies to treat mosquito bite,instant remedies,mosquito bite,Health tips,fitness tips,home remedies

* Aloe Vera

- Cut the meaty portion of an aloe vera leaf to extract the gel. If you do not have an aloe vera plant, you can use aloe vera gel readily available in most stores.

- Chill the aloe vera gel in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes.

- Rub it directly onto the affected site.

* Salt

- Create a paste using a few drops of water and a small amount of table salt. Apply the paste onto the area.

- Another option is to make a paste using garlic salt, seasoning salt and water in equal amounts. Apply this paste onto the affected area. It may cause a burning sensation for a few seconds, but great relief will follow.

- If you live near a beach, go swimming to bathe your skin in the natural salt present in the water.

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