5 Reasons You Have Abdominal Pain

By: Kratika Sun, 31 Dec 2017 1:15:51

5 Reasons You Have Abdominal Pain

You are getting through your day which seems fine, and then you are suddenly hit with abdominal cramps. Alternatively, you wake up with a dull ache low down that gradually gets worse through the day. While you may consider taking painkillers to help get rid of the pain, you are just treating the symptoms. It is important to get to the bottom of the reason for your cramps. Abdominal pain and cramps can occur for all types of reasons. We often push them off as “that time of the month” but there could be something else happening. If the cramping persists, you may want to speak to a doctor to find the exact cause of them.

reasons for abdominal pain,Health tips,stomach pain relief,healthy living

* Indigestion

Indigestion is often due to the speed of which you eat your food. The digestive system is unable to break it all down soon enough, and you are left with a backlog until it eventually gets to it. Alternatively, you may eat far too much for the digestive system to handle at once. This backlog can cause this feeling of being overfull, bloated, and uncomfortable.

* Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is one of the most common reasons for getting stomach cramps. However, you may have something more seriously wrong with your digestive system, such as Crohn’s disease. While there are some similarities, Crohn’s disease is considered an autoimmune disorder and much harder to deal with by many doctors. IBS, Crohn’s disease, and other digestive complaints are often linked to the food that you eat. Your digestive system houses most of your immune system. It iseasy for the immune system to see something within the food that it incorrectly views as dangerous. The immune system attacks, causing inflammation within the body.

* Menstrual Cycle

Your menstrual cycle is perfectly normal, but that does not mean the symptoms and side effects are pleasant. One of the most commonly noted symptoms, especially for PMT, is cramping. You can feel the cramping relatively low down, around where your uterus and tubes are. You may sometimes feel the cramping only on one side. The cramping can get worse throughout the day. Movement can cause problems, and you may find the only way to get rid of the pain is by using a hot water bottle on your stomach or lower back to help relax the muscles.

* Pregnancy

Some cramping can occur during the early stages of pregnancy. This is often felt before you even know that you are pregnant, around the two or three-week stage. It happens when the egg is implanting in the uterus lining. It is known as implantation cramping. The feeling is due to the muscles being affected and nerves being touched while the egg implants within the lining. It isentirelynormal and should only be light. If you are trying to conceive, you may find the cramping a little more noticeable. In most of cases, the feeling is like light period pains, so are often mistaken for a failed attempt to conceive!

* Cyst

Ulcers and cysts can lead to some abdominal cramping. You will usually feel the pain around the location of the problem, although it will depend on the type of cyst you are dealing with. Most ulcers and cysts will disappear on their own, especially when it comes to cysts. Doctors will often recommend anti-inflammatory pills to help reduce some of the inflammation to help prevent some aggravation in the area. You may also find that your doctor recommends a change in diet, especially when it comes to an ulcer. Opting for less acidic food is important when dealing with stomach ulcers to avoid making them worse and risking them bursting. Ovarian cysts are not necessarily damaging to your fertility chances. Most are minor issues that will resolve on their own. In a small number of cases, doctors will need to remove them for you, and they can cause some issues with pregnancy on the side that your cyst was. If you get many cysts on a regular basis, your doctor will want to find out why. This is common with the coil implant.

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