5 Things You Can Use In Place Of Soap For Psoriasis

By: Kratika Sat, 25 Dec 2021 5:52:37

5 Things You Can Use in Place of Soap for Psoriasis

Are you looking for soap alternatives for psoriasis? I’ve got you covered with 5 good ones you can use without irritating your skin!

When you have psoriasis, it can be painful to touch your skin let alone scrubbing it with chemical-laden soap in the shower. So what soap alternatives are there that are gentle on psoriasis and won’t aggravate it? Here are some that you can try out:

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# Soap Nuts

For centuries, traditional people from India and Nepal have been using all natural soap nuts to cleanse their skin, hair and clothing! Soap nuts are eco-friendly sustainable cleaning products. They’re got by drying the fruits of the Soap Nut tree (Sapindus mucorossi) so they’re not actually nuts. To make a soap nuts body wash, follow these instructions:

Grind up 10 soap nuts in a coffee grinder till powdered. Now boil the powder in 1 ½ liters of water for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it cool down completely before straining into a jar. Your soap nuts liquid is ready! Store it in the refrigerator for 3 months. Pour ¼ cup of it into a foaming soap dispenser then add ½ cup of distilled water. Next, add 5 drops lavender essential oil. Shake well to combine everything and your body wash is ready. Gently soap up your body with the foam or add to a washcloth for more scrubbing action.

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# African Black Soap

African black soap is another natural soap used by the ancients. It originates from West African countries like Ghana, Nigeria and others. African black soap is all natural, made of ingredients like cocoa pod leaves, shea butter, It forms a lather too!

If you buy a pound of African black soap, measure out and place ¼ cup in a Pyrex cup filled with ¾ cup of hot water. Leave the soap to melt down overnight. In the morning, your body wash will be ready! Shake it up in a foaming soap dispenser. You can add 5 drops lavender essential oil if you want.

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# Colloidal Oatmeal

Colloidal oatmeal is soothing for skin irritations and inflammatory skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and more. You can add ½ cup colloidal oatmeal, a handful of Epsom salts and ½ cup baking soda to a lukewarm bath. Soak for as long as you can. This bath will soften your skin and help slough off dead cells. You can use a washcloth to gently wipe dirt off your skin.

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# Tea Tree Liquid Castile Soap

Liquid castile soap is not a conventional soap filled with chemicals and artificial fragrances. It’s a natural vegan soap that gently cleanses skin without irritating it. It forms a lather too so it’s a good soap to start with when looking for conventional soap alternatives for psoriasis.That’s the reason I added it to this list. But if you’ve used it before and don’t want it or if you want a completely non-foaming soap, then skip this point and move to point 5 below.

Tea tree castile soap from Dr.Bronner’s is a gentle but effective soap for psoriasis. Many people have found it helped clean their skin without irritating it. Simply add ¼ cup of tea tree liquid castile soap to a foaming soap dispenser, add 1 tbsp vegetable glycerin and top off with ½ cup distilled water. Gently apply the foam on your skin or use on a washcloth.

psoriasis,things to use for psoriasis,Health tips,fitness tips

# Rhassoul Clay

In Morocco, rhassoul clay has been used to cleanse the skin for centuries. In fact, the clay is mined specifically for beauty purposes. It is used to cleanse the face, body and hair!

To cleanse your skin with rhassoul clay, dump about 1/2 cup or 1 cup of it into a bowl. Now slowly add enough water while stirring to create a smooth paste. You can use cooled green tea or rose water instead of water, if you want. Also add essential oils to give it a good scent. Now rub this clay paste all over your body then rinse off with water. Your skin will feel clean and amazing!

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