5 Ways To Help You Wake Up Easily In The Morning

By: Pinki Fri, 15 May 2020 10:11:47

5 Ways To Help You Wake Up Easily in The Morning

Do you find getting up in the morning a drag? Maybe you are a night owl and nighttime is when you have energy and morning is when you struggle to wake up and get going. That can set the tone for the rest of the morning. Even if you are not a morning person there are strategies to help you wake up and start the day right. The more you can help your mind and body ease into the day ahead, the better.

* Shift Your Sleep Cycle

There is an ebb and flow to daily life; the circadian rhythm helps shape your days whether you are aware of it or not. These cycles have been in existence since the beginning of time and your body is a part of that ancient cycle. Your internal biological clock is constantly responding to external influences, including the sun, which affects the sleep-wake cycle. Rising with the sun and going to sleep when the sun went down is a natural part of daily life. But access to technology 24/7 has disrupted that cycle.

ways to help you wake up,waking up in morning,Health tips,fitness tips

* Create a Wind-Down Routine

Ayurveda encourages the establishment of daily routines to help balance the body and mind. An evening routine greatly influences your morning state as it can either leave you feeling slow and sluggish or refreshed and ready to start the day. Staying up late working, watching TV, reading emails, or playing with social media affects the quality of your sleep, making it harder for you to rise in the morning. Instead, try creating a wind-down routine that helps you transition from daily activities and prepares for a good sleep which will enable you to start waking up on time and feeling refreshed.

* Face the Morning Sun

Be like the sunflower and face the sun in the morning. Mornings are usually busy as everyone rushes around to get ready. Try to carve out a few minutes to pause and watch the sunrise or find ways to allow the sun’s light to seep in through the window. If you can, step outside and soak up the warming rays to help signal to the body that the day has started. Exposure to sunlight can also help improve sleep as it reinforces natural circadian rhythms. Indigenous cultures have long turned toward the sun for prayers and blessings in the morning as it is a pure time of day, full of potential.

ways to help you wake up,waking up in morning,Health tips,fitness tips

* Take a Cold Shower

Cultures from around the world have long known the benefits of cold water bathing to promote health and longevity. Today, spas offer hot and cold baths for contrast immersion (basically moving from hot to cold baths). Fortunately, you don’t have to go far to try it out. If you are feeling adventurous, take a completely cold shower. If that doesn’t sound appealing, toward the end of your shower gradually turn down the hot water and increase the cold. Start with your hands and feet and slowly add other parts of your body. It’s invigorating and will leave you feeling more alive.

* Listen to Uplifting Music

What happens when you first start to awaken in the morning? Your thoughts likely start to wander to the past and future, you think about upcoming meetings, or things you did or didn’t do, etc. These types of thoughts can incite overwhelm and affect your energy and mood. Having a pattern interrupt to help redirect your thoughts toward a more positive start to your day can be extremely helpful music is one of the best ways to accomplish this.

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