5 Yoga Asans To Help You Fight Diabetes

By: Sandeep Mon, 04 Dec 2017 11:48:09

5 Yoga Asans To Help You Fight Diabetes

Yoga can work wonders for diabetes management, sparing you unwanted spikes and dips in sugar levels. Some asanas can even massage your insides, revving up your metabolism and kickstarting digestion. Make the bow pose, forward bends, seated half spinal and lying-down body twists part of your go-to exercise regimen. Unwind and calm yourself after a hard day or even re-energize yourself with yoga asanas. Also try yogic walking and yogic breathing for more benefits.

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* Paschimottanasana

- Sit on the ground on a mat or folded blanket to support the buttocks, with your legs extended in front. Rock on each buttock by turn, pulling away from the other sitting bone as you do so.

- The tops of your thighs must be turned in ever so slightly and pressed into the floor. Also, press your palms and fingertips into the floor and raise your sternum up to the ceiling.

- Breathe in as you lean forward from your hip, arms fully extended, elbows straight, hands on the sides of your feet, and your thumbs resting on your soles. Do not lean from your waist. Feel your tailbone lengthen. If you cannot reach your feet with the hands, use a strap looped around the feet and hold this instead.

- Gently ease into the forward bend, lengthening your torso and keeping the head raised. Your elbows must bend out to your sides and lift off the floor. If you’re holding a strap, loosen your hold, move your hands forward, and keep your arms long when you do this. Feel your lower belly graze your thighs, followed by your upper belly and then your ribs. Your head will touch your thighs last.

- Allow your front torso to rise and lengthen a little each time you breathe in. When you exhale, release more into the forward bend. Repeat this for 1 to 3 minutes. To exit the pose, lift your torso from your thighs gently, and straighten your elbows. Breathe in as you raise your torso up, pulling your tailbone into the pelvis.

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* Ardha Matsyendrasana

- Sit upright with your legs in front of you, ensuring your spine is straight and feet together.

- Bend your left leg and bring the heel to your right hip. Next, bring your right leg over your left knee.

- Put your left hand on your right knee and the right hand behind.

- Now, twist to your right from your waist, then your shoulders and finally the neck, exhaling. Gaze over your right shoulder. Hold this pose, taking care that your spine stays erect.

- Remain in those pose for 30 seconds to a minute, taking gentle but long breaths.

- Exhale and release your right hand, then your waist, followed by your chest and neck to return to a relaxed straight position.

- Repeat this sequence on the other side.

yoga asans for diabetes,yoga asans to fight diabetes,benefits of yoga for diabetes,healthy living,fitness tips,Health tips

* Dhanurasana

- Lie down on your belly, arms by the sides and feet hip-distance apart. Next, fold your knees and reach back with your hands to grasp your ankles.

- Inhale as you raise your chest off the floor and feel your legs pull back and up. Keep your gaze relaxed and forward. Stabilize your body and focus on breathing. Your body should be curved in a perfect arch like a bow. Remember not to push your body so hard that the stretch hurts. If reaching your ankles is hard, use a strap around your ankles and hold the loose ends in front of your ankles, ensuring your arms are fully extended.

- Try and relax as you breathe in and out. Take long and deep breaths. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds before releasing, exhaling to bring your legs and chest back to the ground, finally releasing your grip from the ankles.

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* Supta Matsyendrasana

- Lie down on your back with knees bent, arms by your sides, and feet flat on the ground.

- Exhale, bringing your knees to your chest and clasp them with your hands. Now extend your left leg to the ground, your right knee still clutched close to the chest. Extend your right arm out at shoulder height above the ground, palm downward.

- Let your hips move a little to the right. Put your left hand on the outside of the right knee.

- Breathe out as you drop the right knee onto the left side of your body. Your left hand must stay on your right knee.

- Face your head to the right, allowing your gaze to lightly fall on the fingertips of your right hand. Your shoulder blades must be pressed into the ground.

- Allow your knee to fall a little further down in the direction of the ground. You should feel your right toes grazing the ground. Let your foot rest in this place. Hold.

- Inhale returning to the central position and knees held to the chest. Breathe out and stretch your right leg out and repeat the sequence on this side.

yoga asans for diabetes,yoga asans to fight diabetes,benefits of yoga for diabetes,healthy living,fitness tips,Health tips

* Shavasana

- Lie down on your back, flat on a mat or the ground, arms by your sides, eyes closed. Your legs must be a little apart, so that you are completely comfortable and toes face a little outwards. Allow your knees and feet to relax fully.

- Your arms should be by the sides and a little away from your torso. Your palms must face up and be open.

- Focus your attention on one part of the body at a time and use this to relax your body from head to toe. Start with your right foot, then the right knee, the other leg, then the torso until you reach your head.

- Inhale slowly, deeply and gently. Feel your breath relax you further and further. As you inhale, feel the breath energize you. As you exhale, feel yourself relax. Do this for 10 to 20 minutes until you are completely relaxed – but not asleep!

- To exit the pose, roll to your right side with your eyes still closed. Be this way for a minute. Then, using your right hand to push yourself up, move to a seated position. Let your eyes remain closed. Breathe in and out a few times in this pose before you open your eyes.

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