5 Yoga Poses That Will Help In Reducing Pregnancy Pains

By: Pinki Tue, 30 Jan 2024 12:04:48

5 Yoga Poses That Will Help in Reducing Pregnancy Pains

Being pregnant is wonderful, but sometimes it comes with aches and pains. The good news is that doing some easy yoga poses can help you feel better. In this guide, we'll show you simple yoga moves that are safe for pregnant women. These poses are designed to ease common pregnancy discomforts like backaches and hip tension. By practicing these gentle exercises, you can improve flexibility, relax your body, and make your pregnancy more comfortable and enjoyable. Let's explore these easy and calming yoga poses that you can easily include in your daily routine. It's all about feeling good and taking care of yourself during this special time.

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# Child’s Pose

Known as a resting pose in yoga, Child’s pose will be of great help in relaxing your body. It will also alleviate nausea from morning sickness. Moreover, these breathing techniques will be handy when you are fighting labor pain.

How To Do

Kneel on the floor. Keep your big toes together and sit on your heels. Exhale and lay your torso down between your thighs. You can place a bolster under the torso for support. Extend arms overhead, touching forehead to the mat. You can also keep your arms alongside your body with palms facing up. Choose the one, which is comfortable for you.

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# Cat/Cow Pose

The pose will give you relief from back pain, which is very common during pregnancy. Cat and cow pose will relax your spine by shifting the weight of the baby away from the spine. During labor, this pose will be of great help.

How To Do

Get on your hands and knees with your hands shoulder-distance apart. Inhale and look up. Slowly arch your back and tailbone up to the sky. As you exhale, look down and round your spine while tucking your tailbone down toward the floor.

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# Extended Triangle Pose

The pose helps you alleviate back pain. As your body stretches, you will also be able to tackle stiffness in the neck. Energizing your hips and legs, triangle pose will help you regain your sense of balance.

How To Do

Stand in Tadasana. Keep your legs apart and stretch your arms at shoulder level and bring it parallel to the mat, palms down. Turn your left foot in slightly to the right and your right foot out to the right 90 degrees. Now sliding your entire upper body downwards towards the right, reach the floor with your right arm. Place your hand where it reaches, either on the leg or on the foot. Strech your left arm toward the ceiling and keep your gaze on the left-hand fingers.

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# Extended Side Angle Pose

This body stretch will open up the hips. Strengthening your legs, it could improve swelling in your ankles and feet. For those who can’t do Triangle pose, Extended Side Angle Pose is a great alternative.

How To Do

Stand in Tadasana. Widen your legs. Stretch your arms parallel to the mat. Turn your left foot in slightly to the right and your right foot out to the right 90 degrees. Keep your right elbow over your right knee. Extend your left arm straight up toward the ceiling and then extend your arm over the top of your head. Keep your chest, hips, and legs in one straight line, extended over your front leg. Turn your head to look up at the ceiling.

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# Squat Pose

The hip-opening squat pose is a great stretch through the legs and back. It also strengthens the pelvic floor and other core muscles.

How To Do

Come to squat on your mat with your feet about hips distance apart from one another, and try to bring your heels to the floor. Keep back straight and bring hands together between knees in prayer, pressing elbows into inner thighs. If you find this position uncomfortable, use blocks or blankets for a supported squat.

Note: The information provided in our yoga content related to pregnancy is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, including yoga, during pregnancy.

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